The End

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Roman yelled in victory as he passed another finish line, cheering for the digital golden cup presented to him onscreen. Patton yawned on the sidelines; he was pretty tired after 4 hours of Mario Kart. 

They did pause for a while, they watched one of Virgil's Disney movies in the meantime. Roman was a little surprised to hear that Virgil's favourite is Black Cauldron, but couldn't disagree nonetheless.


Virgil enjoyed Logan's choice of Pad Thai takeout, as Patton had more recently refused to indulge in good old takeout services, thanks to Hello Fresh. 

The night was quiet in their apartment, an unusual occurrence with Roman so commonly singing in the shower by this time. 

Virgil was thankful for Logan's formal courtesies which suited his (or lack of) social behaviour. Despite the good time he was having with Logan, Virgil longed for the fatherly embrace of Patton, and of course, his own body.


Patton was snoring softly. Roman quietly switched off the Nintendo Switch, his mind wishing to switch off the other Switch too. In the meantime, he went on the messenger app to bug Virgil for this remaining hour.


Princey was being a real pain, online at least. Logan had already retired to bed, Virgil didn't have the heart to argue why he should stay up to welcome Roman back. He was sure Roman would be fine without receiving fanfare upon completing the Switch. For now, Princey was simply spamming his phone with texts, provoking another speedy round of banter between the two. Half an hour to go.


Roman was struggling to keep Virgil's eye lids held up. Patton kept falling back asleep. The two men suffered together on the couch, awaiting the clock's twelve chimes as a signal to end Roman's Cinderella experience.


Virgil lay awake in Roman's bed, cuddling the closest plushies to his head. Simba smiled at him in the dark, which was a little unsettling.

"Go away, creepy," Virgil muttered as he chucked the toy further away.


Roman lay awake, holding Patton. Awaking him for the final time, he whispered,

"Padre, thank you for today. I can only await the happy moment when I move in with you and Panic at the Everywhere."

"I can't wait to genuinely meet you in person, kiddo. Here's to the many happy times ahead!"


Virgil gasped, his soul seemingly settling back into a body. His body. He was sat up straight, ironically, with Patton leaning next to him.

"Pat? Paaaat."

Sleepy eyes blinked back at him before Patton realised the Switch was over.

"Oh gosh, Virgil is that you?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm back."

Patton quietly cheered with two raised fists, "yay, welcome back Virge. Can we go sleep now?"

Virgil chuckled before nodding, then led Patton to bed. Walking back to his own bedroom, he hastened towards his trusty bed. Virgil jumped back and sighed at contact with his mattress, gazing upwards to contemplate the day he just had. 

That was when he realised black lettering that covered his ceiling... It only got worse when Virgil tried turning his bed lamp on. Muted, frustrated yowls escaped from the darkness of Virgil's room.


Roman breathed in a familiar scent, opening his eyes to his own apartment's living room. Logan was nowhere to be seen, Lo's existence only made known by the muffled snores from Logan's bedroom. 

Roman felt comfortably numb, most likely a result of Virgil making his body seated for the entire day. Half sighing, half yawning, Roman pulled off the various clothing items Virgil had put on himself earlier; allowing exhaustion to sweep over him in relief after jumping into bed. 

It was common fact that the Switch drained each soulmate's energy, possibly in payment of making the Switch possible. Whatever the case, Roman wasn't too eager to delve into the scientific theories behind the Switch, and immediately turned on his side to slumber.


It has been a few weeks after Roman and Virgil had completed the Switch. Roman flew across to Florida, having saved Virgil the possible anxiety attack in the air. 

The first time Roman and Virgil saw each other as their true selves, Patton witnessed possibly the most awkward introductory exchange in the universe. Patton gladly broke the ice with his fatherly nature, enabling Virgil and Roman to banter in real life and fall in love. 

Logan himself flew over to join Roman, as it turned out that Patton and Logan found themselves as soulmates, which was just as well as the happy family grew closer together. The midnight strike that Switched Patton and Logan over made for a hilarious story, as did the experience of Logan's mannerisms manifested into Patton's body. 

Remy had the pleasure of meeting Patton through Logan, back in California. It wasn't long before both pairs had moved to Florida altogether. Both Roman and Logan completed their undergrads beforehand, of course. They settled into a larger apartment together, rebuilding their relationships involving their newly discovered bonds, into much stronger connections that developed into something alike to a family.

"I love you all so much."

"We love you too Patton."

"Yes, our existence together is quite pleasantly constructed- I mean good."

"You guys can keep talking but let me watch my Black Cauldron."


Hope you enjoyed this! Please comment below if I've made any inconsistencies :)

Do continue reading to see how Logan and Patton's Switchover went!

Stay safe guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

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