The afternoon of Patton and Logan's Switchover

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TW// small mention of (healing from) alcoholism. please tell me if its too inappropriate as i do not write from personal experience. there's a marker when it starts

1:00 pm

At the conclusion of the call, Logan's gaze lingered on the black screen. You really couldn't get used to seeing yourself on the other side, let alone seeing your soulmate control your body.

"Logan! Come on, we should get lunch. You'll have plenty of time to talk to Patton later."

Logan flushed, "It was not... Can we get chow mein takeaway? The one you guys always have here?"

"Changing the topic I see," Roman winked, "Sure, let's get that. I was actually hungry for some, you always read my mind Lo!"

Virgil un-ruffled his hair before grabbing his beloved jacket. Roman similarly grabbed his own jacket and tossed Logan one of Patton's usual jackets too.

The day, though sunny and pleasing earlier, had clouded over with some ominous grey patches. 

Roman frowned at the overcast sky, "Do you reckon we should take umbrellas?"

"Nah, it's only a 5 min trip," Virgil said as he locked the apartment door, "we'll be back before you could say chow mein."

"Chow mein," Logan replied, "Virgil, that didn't make sense."

Virgil rolled his eyes as he passed the two, making his way towards the end of the block. His boots clicked along the concrete pavement, making a steady beat that stood out against the droning cars that ran past.

Roman was quick to chase after him, tackling the small purple frame with an arm across the shoulder. Virgil's protests were quickly smothered by the hug Roman gave - an effective solution to avoid the glare Virgil usually had.

Logan sighed, smiling at the embrace the couple ahead shared. Despite the differences present between the personalities, it was clear that they bonded on a whole other level. Perhaps the differences gave their relationship the depth it needed. Perhaps he and Patton will be just like them.

A droplet landed on his glasses. Oh dear.

A steady downpour formed, inciting shouts from the purple and red smudge in his vision.

Logan hurried along the path, Patton's hood pulled up in the effort to cover his glasses as well. While catching up to the splashes made by Virgil's boots, Logan couldn't help but admit - Patton's jacket smelled quite nice. 

It was a comforting scent that warmed him on the inside, eliminating the chill of the rain all around him. Logan hugged himself, Patton, closer. And he smiled.

Then he let out a scream as he tumbled over a purple mess, right into a deep puddle on the sidewalk.


Remy burst into laughter alongside Patton as they clutched Logan's phone, its screen open to Roman's dms.

A lovely photo had emerged, disturbing the peaceful meditation that Patton had convinced Remy to join him on. At the notification sound, Patton picked up the phone in curiosity, and then nearly died of laughter.

On the screen, a Renaissance-like structure consisted of Virgil and 'Patton' lounging on the couch, absolutely soaked to the bone. The two looked wiped out, faced down in defeat.

The front of the photo was covered by Roman's head, his hair plastered to his forehead due to the rain. However, his smile was not dampened at all, his eyes twinkling in stifled laughter when he took the selfie.

"Oh my gosh," Remy cried, "Patton, wait, send me that photo right now, Ro-ro looks like a wet rat and I can't wait to tease him for it."

"That's not very nice," Patton bemused, "make sure you don't go too far."

"I won't, I won't," Remy agreed earnestly as he saved the photo on his phone.

Patton looked down at the flurry of text messages that followed, some of them saying "DON'T SEND THIS TO REMY", to which Patton decidedly turned off the phone in guilt.

"Remy, let's go out as well. I fancy a walk and something sweet...while it's not raining here of course."

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan; Do you like Starbucks? I'm not waiting for an answer, let's go!"

Remy almost flew to the door, his brown overcoat billowing like an anime protagonist as he threw it on.

"Gosh," Patton laughed, "I guess you really like Starbucks."

"Love Starbucks," Remy corrected, "not like I'm endorsing them or anything. But they should really hire me."

"You don't work there?" Patton asked as he locked the door.

"No, something about them rejecting my application on account for how little free time I have."

"Ah, well, you have another job? Course work?"

"Nah, partying. And the hangovers after."

"Ah," Patton grimaced, "That's... not healthy."


"Yeah, I know," Remy sighed, "I'm something of an alcoholic myself."

"That's not good either, " Patton frowned, "Are you healing from it?"

"You can say that. I'm thinking of rehab, but I don't know."

Remy suddenly squatted down in the hallway, wrapping his arms around himself. Patton quickly squatted next to him.

"I'm scared, Patton."

"Can I rub your back for reassurance?" Patton asked. With the nod of approval, Patton hugged Remy to comfort him.

"Remy, I can see that you work hard to socialise and, above all, feel accepted. But it seems about time to put yourself in front of others and work on self-love. With that, I hope you don't feel the need to keep partying and especially drinking."

Remy looked up to meet Patton's eyes and smiled, "You sound just like Emile when he gives me advice."

Patton smiled back, "Do I? Then that's probably the right advice to give."

Patton slowly stood back up, offering a hand to Remy, which he took. Patton hugged Remy again, squeezing tightly in hopes to convey his love and care.

"Thanks, Patton."

"Anytime, Remy. Now, let's go to Starbucks, it's your turn to advise me on what drink to get!" 

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