The End, Again *(^v^)*

122 11 3

11:00 pm

Patton shot a disapproving look across the couch before Remy could collapse into it, holding yet another cup of coffee.

"Nuh Uh Mister, you're not drinking another one."

"But why?" Remy whined, his cup delicately balanced over the cushions as Remy paused mid-fall.

"Because," Patton stared warily at the cup's brim where coffee nearly spilt over to stain the lovely blue cushion underneath, "it is 11 at night and the caffeine won't help you sleep well."

"Ugh, you're right, but I really might collapse right now and not see through your Switchover's completion."

"You know, it's actually okay to do so. Apparently Logan couldn't bother with staying up when Roman came back. So I'm sure he's not too fussed about being received afterwards."

"Whether he cares or not; the point is that I want to hear his perspective! I'm surely not going to wait till morning for a report card, I want to hear the sleep-deprived, no filter, post-Switchover Logan!"

"Ah, well," Patton laughed, "that would really be interesting to see! But that still isn't a good enough reason to cast your health aside."

"Aw," Remy pouted, sinking back into the couch and closing his eyes, "I guess I'll just crash here for the night."

"I'm sure Logan will let you stay, as long as you're not hosting a party here..."

11:30 pm

Roman had refused to let the first defeat bypass him and so unknowingly faced many more defeats after.

The red lump on the floor continued smoking as he threw a silent tantrum. Virgil and Logan simply glanced over at Roman with slight sympathy before returning to the race on screen.

As an explosion sounded in the distance, Logan heard Virgil sigh and drop the controller, opting to lay down next to Roman. Logan was left to finish the race, observing Virgil's character stubbornly parked in the middle of the road, surrounded by the coins it had dropped in the explosion earlier.

"Ro-Ro, I get that you're a single-child and you've never had to face defeat this many times in one video-game sitting, but it's about time to learn how to face failure, right?"

Roman lifted his face off the floor to turn towards Virgil, then squished his cheek to the surface. 

"You have no idea how humiliating this is, Virge. My ego could've never foreseen such a steep dive down into the depths of such misery!"

"Alright, calm down drama queen. And... I do empathise with you, Ro," Virgil shifted uncomfortably, "my father always used me as Player Two for the sake of winning games at my expense."

"...Oh," Roman sat up to properly face Virgil, who now hung his head in shame.

"I don't know why I feel embarrassed, it's the truth," Virgil chuckled, "but I still feel bad after so many years of such 'defeats'."

"I'm sorry Virge," Roman offered a hug, "I must've made you feel inadequate in comparing you to my ego..."

Virgil gladly hugged Roman, "You're forgiven, as long as you don't take defeats like this so hard, since its only temporary pain."

11:45 pm

'Of all the world's gold, where did approximately 50% of it come from? 
A, Witwatersrand. 
B, Grasberg. 
C, Ghana. 
D, Nevada.'

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