But Wait There's More

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*Rewind sounds* Here is the more written-out version of the previous chapter's "epilogue". It starts off after Roman has arrived in Florida.



My Chemically Imbalanced Romance

Where are you? Can you hurry it up already?

Useless Roman-tic

In case you haven't noticed, I am lost. How can I answer that?!

My Chemically Imbalanced Romance

I can't believe this. Go and ask a security guard or something.

Useless Roman-tic

Oh right. Yay I'm coming out now.

"Finally," muttered Virgil. It was getting way too hot in the car while waiting for Roman to exit the airport. He almost felt the need to take his hoodie off. Patton had the same weary appearance, Virgil observed, as Patton gradually slid further down his driver's seat. 

Yet any second now, Roman will arrive and he will finally see him in person. For real. As if the late-night video calls were not enough! But that was just an excuse, and Virgil knew this. For nothing beats the real thing. 

Roman emphasised this as he booked his plane ticket to Florida while chatting with Virgil over the phone last week.

"Look, Virge, I know you're on the verge of collapsing (ha) so I'm doing this for us!" Virgil rolled his eyes, which Roman smiled at.

"Please just let me come over and help you. You know you can't stop this from happening."

"My prince on his white horse," Virgil said sarcastically, "except it is a white jumbo jet and my prince has no sense of direction. He may as well get lost in a forest and be captured by the witches".

"Come on now, I would totally befriend the witches and then fly heroically to your castle on a broom. And one of those tiny black cats with a hat."

"Yeah, you would. So I really can't stop you from flying over?"

"Nope. I'll be there next week."

"Next week?!" Virgil gaped at his phone. "Ro, you know I need at least a month to prepare for social events!"

"Virge," Roman sighed, "we've been talking every day since our Switchover. It's not like we're strangers!"

"But it'll be strange to the touch."

"Give it time, you'll find that life is that much sweeter when we're together in real life."

Virgil smiled at the memory of Roman's warm reassurance. It was all it took to re-energise him to look out the window once more. And there he was.

Useless Roman-tic

I'm gay!

My Chemically Imbalanced Romance

*facepalm* Of course you would make that joke.

Useless Roman-tic

Hurry up and help me with my luggage!

My Chemically Imbalanced Romance

My sweet prince ain't strong enough to manage?

Useless Roman-tic

This is not a test of strength, it's a test of love. Get over here and hug me hello.

Virgil rolled his eyes once more, despite the pounding of his heart in his ears. Slowly, he nudged Patton awake and opened the door.

1, 2, 3 steps. The glare of the sun lessened for Virgil to see a red speck at the airport's exit.

4, 5, 6 steps. The red speck seemed to jump towards him.

6, 7, 8, 9 steps. Virgil picked up the pace to match Ro's.

10 steps, and the two met. They collided with some force, but enough to balance each other out. As he held on tightly, Virgil breathed in the fresh scent of flowers. He smelt like light and hope. He was soft in his embrace, yet strong as he hugged Virgil back. 

When Roman pulled away, Virgil internally laughed at the perfect sun-halo formed behind his head. He literally glowed with happiness, his smile was beaming. His freckles somehow lit up his face and formed constellations that reached the stars of his eyes. Gosh, his eyes. They were pools of honey that sparkled with amusement as Roman gazed back at him. 

Roman was right, Virgil came to realise, that nothing beats the real thing.


Remy had already blocked him for the incessant spam Roman texted as he relayed his first touch with Virgil. In real life!

Roman simply couldn't believe it all. He felt like he was in a dream, likely due to the headache that began in-flight. His wandering in the airport did not help him either. Yet as soon as he gained sight of the purple figure, everything disappeared. Cliché, he knew, but it was what exactly happened.

It first came apparent that he was taller than Virgil. Ever so slightly, but still. He can hold this against Virgil forever! But for now, it was perfect in the way Virgil fit to his body, Virgil's head in the crook of his neck. It was like he completed him, truly two halves of a whole. 

Then, Roman took in the anxious vibes from Virgil until they ebbed away, leaving only a sigh of relief. He hugged a little more tightly, breathing in the light, natural scent of Virgil. A little sweaty, but can make do. 

More impressive is the composition of Virgil's hoodie, with its various stitches and checkered squares. Roman's fingers danced lightly over the pattern, admiring the way Virgil's perfection had achieved such intricate sewing. 

But then it was time to pull away, and now he could view Virgil's face in full sunlight. Well, it seems that he has blocked most of it, to which Virgil smirked. No matter, Roman could easily make out rosiness of Virgil's blush as Virgil's dark eyes similarly darted all over his face. He smiled back at the boy who stole his heart before ruffling the purple hair. An immediate scowl with a light punch to the stomach followed.

"Come on J-Delightful, my luggage is far too heavy for me to continue pushing. It's full of colourful stuff, you know, so we can have a fashion show later!"

"As if I would ever partake in something like that. Gosh this is actually heavy. Paaat, help out!"

The fatherly figure grinned behind the camera, only putting it down after a few more clicks.

"Baby's first meet up! Isn't this exciting?!"

"Padre, at least wait for me to pose first!"

It wasn't long before all three managed to load the luggage into the car, and then they began the long ride home. With Virgil and Patton keeping their eyes on the road, Roman had thought better to text Remy on his status thus far, which was obviously love-struck.

The Caffeine Addict

Darling, I know you're head over heels for him, but it'd be much better for him to hear it, right? Now I'm blocking you so go do it.

Roman sighed and put the phone back into his bag. He turned his attention to the passengers in front, who were silently focused on the road ahead. But of course, given the natures of the two, both are keen on avoiding any sort of distraction and subsequent accident. Thus the car ride continued in silence.

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