Bonus : Logan's Letter

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Dear Patton,


I don't know how to express my emotions concisely. 

They have crowded my brain, my mind, with useless jabber that keeps me awake tonight.

I wish I could wash it out, let it 'flow onto the page' as Roman would say.

But I can't. It's more complicated than that.

I'm sorry that I'm not good at communicating and working out what our relationship will be like.

You will have very likely noticed that I am meticulous with organising and planning.

With that, I don't like how I can't control nor foresee what my, our, future will be like.

I've never been in a relationship before, simply due to this agony of mine.

Virgil reassures me that he experienced this same discomfort until you came along and eased his anxiety.

I hope that you'll be as much of a balance, a relief, to my opposite nature.

I hope you'll like me.




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