An Unexpected Connection

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Roman flicked the fading purple hues of Virgil's bangs once more, absentmindedly listening to My Chemical Romance in the background of Virgil's room. He was bored out of his mind, having gone through all of Virgil's stuff (save for really personal stuff, such as that diary tucked away behind Virgil's bedframe) and tried Virgil's make up collection. Honestly, he was a little shocked at the extreme eyebags presented to him in the mirror, but now Roman cannot imagine Virgil without them. The edginess seems to have a profound effect on Roman. He'd tried styling Virgil's hair in his own way, flicked up proudly, but Virgil's body was having none of it. Roman grew concerned with Virgil's fragility, as Roman genuinely hissed at contact with the sun when he explored the balcony. Roman had already written, scrawled and drawn loopy cursives of his personal addresses all over Virgil's room. His number was illuminated from within the bedside lamp, his Californian address was proudly displayed across Virgil's ceiling, his email address was tucked away in a note underneath the bat-shaped pillow, his Instagram username was on the door handle... you name it. Judging by Virgil's character, Roman couldn't wait till the two of them could start bickering as opposite natures do.

'Hey, here's an idea, why don't you figure out where exactly you are?' Roman was startled by this sudden thought, as though he couldn't think of why he didn't have it sooner. He unlocked Virgil's phone quickly, suppressing a giggle at the last opened subject (a soft romance novel on audible), and opened the maps app to realise he was in Florida. Gainesville, Florida.

"What the heck..." Roman whispered, "The other side of America? You've got to be kidding me..."

"Well I'm certainly not kitten you, Roman."

With a widening grin, Roman jumped up to greet the figurative father, and then nearly bowled over in laughter at the sight of Patton's cat onesie.

"How do ya like me meow, Ro?"

"You're totally ready for the catwalk there, Pat!"

"You're also catastrophically chaotic, it seems," Patton mused as he glanced over Virgil's graffitied room.

"Oh this?" Roman glanced back with him, "Nah, nothing much. I'm sure Virgil wouldn't mind since it was technically his hand that did it, not mine."

Patton rolled his eyes before returning to the living room, where another stranger sat stirring his tea.

"Roman, this is my dear friend Emile!"

Emile turned to face Roman, beaming his playful smile as a greeting.

"Woah... Are you guys twins or something?"

The combined sunshine sources laughed together, nearly causing Roman (Virgil's body) to hiss again.

"Unfortunately, no, though I do consider Pat as a brother to me."

"Aw Emile!"

"Anywho, a little birdie told me that you've done a Switch and that Virgil's body currently hosts the mind of his soulmate."

Roman frowned, "When you put it like that...yeah."

Emile smiled, "It's fantastic to meet you, Roman, though I look forward to seeing your true bodily form."

"As do I," Patton chirped in.

"So, Roman, tell us about your life, what's with your side of things?"

"Well, I'm currently studying in California, I have an extremely tolerant roommate, I love all things Disney and pretty much every musical, and party every other weekend. I'm fortunate enough to live comfortably too."

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