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Roman really couldn't understand how Virgil's wardrobe seem to hold the abyss, or at best, the void. He reached in and only pulled out more black fabric. Roman could only sigh, brainstorming ways to introduce Virgil to a more varied selection of colours. He should attempt to put rainbows around Virgil's room to spice it up a little. Roman thought back to his earlier conversation with Virgil, thinking that it went well enough for a first conversation between them. Or had it really gone as well as it should? He could never figure whether Virgil was deeply offended or enjoyed the bantering. It was difficult, considering that the man jumped from sarcasm to serious at incredibly high speeds. Not to mention the often-monotone voice used by Virgil, which sounded weird with his voice being accustomed to singing almost every word.

"Roman! Come on, let's make the most out of the Switch and don't allow Virgil's body to mope about his room any longer. Let's start making dinner."

Roman willingly obliged, "What're we making padre?"

"These delicious-looking quesadillas! It's the first box that has come from my Hello Fresh subscription; another good friend of mine gave me a discount!"

"Wow," Roman mouthed while reading the instructions, "Who knew cooking could be so easy?"

"Easier said than done," Patton huffed, "I'm still getting the hang of cooking after a few of these boxes. At least Virgil enjoyed some of it."

Roman looked up, "Did Virgil help too?"

"No not really, he mostly watched the food to make sure it didn't burn. Funnily enough, the first time I tried cooking by myself, I forgot about the food and charred it so badly it was like ash!"

"Gosh Patton," Roman gagged at the idea of ash on his tastebuds. "Let's not let that happen to these gorgeous quesadillas. I'm hungry to taste the certified goodness of Hello Fresh!"

They very nearly burnt themselves and the quesadillas on the hot stove, as they both found that neither of them are extremely talented cooks. Roman described the effective cooking of his roommate, Logan, who had never made a meal slightly over or under the 'well-done' measure. Each toast was perfect, every pasta dish was at the right consistency. Patton was in awe of such a man, longing to visit Roman's apartment for this opportunity to meet Logan. As they enjoyed their rather crispy quesadillas in front of the television, the two men relaxed in comfortable silence.


"Yes Pat?"

"I'm glad that you're Virgil's soulmate."

"What's with the sudden sentimental statement?"

"I don't know! I'm just really happy that Virgil has someone like you to spend his lifetime with. I certainly trust you to take care of Virgil, you're capable of matching Virgil's quirks with your own."
"Yes... that's right. Dark and Stormy does connect to me somehow... in a way I can't describe. Interactions with him leave me electrified; he's like the thunder to my lightning."

Patton quietly awed as the television glow left Roman's face alight. Although Roman can't see it, both men knew that he had a soft, indescribable expression that conveyed his new-found love for Virgil.

"So Virge's the thunderclouds, you're the lightning sparks. I love how this metaphor has encapsulated you guys so well!"

Roman blinked.

"Pat, where did the fancy words come from?"

Patton shrugged as he gave half a laugh, "I just know big words!"

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