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I was roused by a firm knock on the door. I almost called to it before I remembered I had fallen asleep in Jameston's rooms. I opened my eyes and saw Jameston rubbing sleep from his eyes. When the knock sounded again, he sat bolt upright and looked at me. We both had panicked looks on our faces. I scrambled to my feet, and ran into his bathing room as quickly and quietly as I could, and listened by the door.

"Who's there?" Jameston called sounding surprisingly like he'd been awake for hours.

"Breakfast Prince Jameston," I heard the faint voice of one of the kitchen staff.

"Oh, thank you very much," He breathed. I heard him close the door, and then he came and got me from the bathing room.

"How am I going to get to my room?" I whispered just incase anyone was passing by out side the door.

"Good morning to you as well." He game me a hurt look as we returned to his sitting room.

"Sona can't know I wasn't in the room!" I cried still whispering. "She'll be worried and might tell someone!"

The fact that Jameston didn't look concerned at all eased my worry. He took my hand, grinning and lead me into his room.

"Do you recall how convenient I said that tree outside is?" He asked the mischievous look playing around his jade eyes.
* * *
"I can't believe this." I groaned as I stood on the side railing of Jameston's balcony with one hand resting against the wall of the castle for balance.

"And I can't believe you're making a fuss about this after you jumped out a second story window yesterday in the dark." Jameston teased as I took the first step onto a branch of the nearby tree.

"Oh let it go Jameston!" I cried clutching the tree frantically to keep what little balance I had. "I knew I was going to land in a safe pond yesterday, if I fall now I'll thwack a couple branches on the way down and then splat!"

I heard him snickering behind me. "Splat?" He asked laughing loudly, leaning over the railing to kiss the top of my head. "You're trying to tell me that you've never tried to climb this tree before Princess?"

I glared at him and continued climbing. "I tried climbing it once," I admitted. "I got up about two branches from the bottom, fell and broke my arm." That really got him laughing.

"I can picture you as a little girl with a cast on your arm." I knew he was grinning even though I didn't turn around.

"I wouldn't hold that thought to dear." I grunted shimmying to the edge of the branch I sat on. "I was 15."

I knew he would think that was just hysterical. As he rolled on his back on his balcony. I gripped the stone of mine and started pulling myself up. When I finally got up onto it I threw one of my slippers at him as he still laughed I disappeared into my rooms as he said a very hollow sounding 'ow'.

To my relief Sona was just sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Isn't it cold out side?" She yawned looking at me.

"Freezing!" I shivered brightly. I pulled the blanket on the bed over my head as I climbed into it. "I don't suggest going out the without seven heavy cloaks."

Sona dressed in her gown from the night before and returned the nightgown she had borrowed from me.

"I suppose I'll head up to my rooms and get a fresh dress." She yawned, stretching and then leaving without another word.

I collapsed back on my bed with both exhaustion and relief. A brain rattling sneeze was the only this that kept me from falling asleep instantly.

"Is the princess ill?" A soft voice asked muffled with either the door or sleep. I hadn't decided.

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