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Hours later I tumbled down from Helena’s back my muscles tired and screaming. My feet hadn’t been on the ground for two seconds when the girls whisked me away inside Parker’s house knowing that was where I would be staying, and That Parker wouldn’t mind them being there.

“Tell us what’s happening at the castle!” A young fairy cried sitting in front of me on the floor, as a handful of young elves ran brushes through my hair.

“How about a good story instead,” I suggested as a flash of purple wings out side told me Parker was leading a vicious pack of you fairies to plot an attack on us.

I told them a combination of my love experiences. Skipping the tedious moments and using both my experiences, with Weston, and Jameston to make a beautiful story for the girls. Every once and a while one of the younger elves would pull a lock of my hair, but I didn’t mind. I also didn’t tell them that the boys were outside planning an ambush, who was I to ruin their fun?

“And then, just as Elizabeth held her new born niece for the first time, Larry knelt down on one knee, and all was right in the word.” I finish as the elves tied off my hair.

“Oh that was beautiful, Mara!”

 “I just wish you had picked a more attractive name instead of Larry.” One of the oldest girls sighed leaning dreamily on her fist.

“What’s wrong with Larry?!” An elf boy named Larry cried entering Parker’s living room.

“Attack!” We heard Parker cry charging into the house that was instantly flooded with war cried and squeals from the girls. Snowballs started flying from the boys, and to save both the girls and Parker’s furniture I started to chase them back out. Parker threw a snowball at me, but I caught it and nailed an older elf boy in square in the nose with it. Fairy boys zipped over head dropping snowballs down to their friends to reload the elf boys’ ammunition.

“Push them back girls!” I cried over the noise. We all scrambled towards the door, both girls and boys a like. Once we hit the yard it was everyman for himself. Snow fell from the sky as more and more snowballs flew through the air.

Eventually after there wasn’t a single dry bone among us, and dusk turned to night the children said their good byes, and headed back toward their homes. Parker and I also retired back into his house where we dried out in front of the fire.

“Reminds me of the first time you came here,” He laughed pulling his soaked tunic over his head and hanging it in the heat.

“I was only nine then.” I smiled thinking about the first time I’d met Parker. It had been snowing a great deal for some time and Helena and I had gone into the forest like we always had.

“Helena only came up to your waist though,” Parker sat next to me and shook his hair sun lightened hair splattering me with cold water.

“And you looked exactly the same,”

“I will for most of your life,” He teased, nudging my shoulder with his.

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