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“There she is.”

I winced even though the voice was soft and barely above a whisper. My eyes were open but it took me a second to blink away the blurriness.

“Good to see you awake,” The voice continued as I slowly began to realize it was Parker. He sat on the edge of his bed that I was lying on. “Sorry I can’t send you off with better cloths.” He grimaced looking at my tattered wedding dress.

“Send off?” I asked clearing my throat.

“Yes.” His frown deepened. “Jameston told me what happened at the castle and I agree with him. You two need to get out of Eperphas as quickly as you can. Especially if someone is trying to kill you.”

“They tried to kill Jameston. It doesn’t make a lot of difference though.” I tried to push myself up but Parker gave me a look that told me I’d better lay back down.

“They tried to shoot Jameston.” He corrected me. “Someone poisoned you.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “It’s a good thing Helena brought you to me or else I don’t think you would’ve survived.”

“When will we leave?” I asked, the seriousness of the previous night’s events finally sinking in.

“When ever you think you are able to.” Parker sighed. “Please be careful baby sister.” He smiled then stood. “I’ll go tell Jameston you’re awake.”

I still felt groggy even though it was clear that I had slept well into the afternoon. Someone didn’t want Jameston and me to get married, and they were clearly willing to kill to get their way.

“Mara!” Jameston cried dashing into the room. My head rattled as he spoke and I felt dizzy. “Thank goodness you’re alright now.” He wrapped me in an embrace that flooded my heart with happiness. I felt his tears run into my hair. “I got here and you were shaking. Violently. I was terrified Mara, your mouth was foaming1 Oh God Mara!” I held him with all the strength I possessed and let him sob, knowing it was unlikely he would ever cry again. His tears comforted me for some unexplained reason, and I kissed his cheek. “I thought I’d lost you.” He shuttered roughly knocking the shimmering tears away from his cheeks. We sat motionless together for a long while before finally deciding that we had to leave the valley.

“Thank you,” I told Parker as he tied me to Helena’s back. “With out your amazing elfish medicines I’d be dead.”

“I would do anything for you baby sister,” He grinned. Despite his smile I could still see the sadness in his eyes. “I will miss you.”

Helena rose into the air as I waved at all my fairy and elf friends who I would probably not see for a good long time.

Helena touched down right next to a small stream that had ice forming on its surface on its edges. Jameston untied the rope that kept me on Helena’s back. He tossed it into one of the leather pouches that hung off both of Helena’s sides. I kept random supplies in the baskets incase of emergency, but sadly I had failed to put in an extra cloak of a change of cloths for that matter. Jameston jumped to the ground and then offered me a hand. I took it and jumped down after him, but my knees buckled on the impact and I fell, and then vomited again. Jameston eased me back up and I leaned against Helena’s broad side feeling queasy.

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