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There weren't many people at dinner that night, but a few more than usually, because of Jordan's up coming wedding. Jameston was swept away by his guard as soon as we stepped into the hall.

"Mara!" Sona cried running up to me. "I have great news! I was thinking about waiting until Jordan got back, but I need to tell you now! Oh, Mara it's so wonderful! I'm so glad you came back so soon!"

"Sona! What is it?" I asked as she took my hands. I had to grasp he shoulders to get her to stop jumping.

"I," She squealed excitedly. "I'm pregnant!" She cried immediately starting to jump up and down again. I gapped at her.

"You're what?" I cried pulling the young girl into a tight embrace as if she would fall apart if I didn't hold her together.

"Going to have a baby!'

"With my brother!" I cried pushing her away just enough to look at her and then I pulled her back into a hug.

"What do you think Jordan will say?" she whispered as we sat down heavily trying not to make any more of a scene than we already had.

"I imagine he could say any number of things!" I stuttered still baffled by the news. "I could say any number of things!" I pushed my loose bangs out of my eyes. "If I could find the words that is!"

A sudden figure breezed by us, and sat on the opposite side of table.

"Well I see you're rather prone to making very dramatic sense Princess." Jameston teased.

"Sona this is Prince Jameston of Shantonstean." I ignored his cocky tone.

"How do you madam." He nodded at Sona, and turned back to me. "I'm supposed to apologize for my careless words."
"which of your careless words are you apologizing for?" I asked.

"You're very funny," He said sarcastically.

"Oh by the way, you don't have to call me Princess. Mara is fine to me."

"I wouldn't want people thinking I'm not proper," He said innocently.

"Oh never," I rolled my eyes. "I would like to have another chat sometime. I enjoyed it."

Sona excused herself and went back to her plate, leaving me alone with the Prince.

"Well Mara," He said as if he were testing how my name felt in his mouth. I often find it soothing for a late night swim. Would you care to join me?"

"You're insane if you're actually going to swim tonight," I casually took a cup from a passing serving girl. "Winter is just around the corner, and more than once the pond has been frozen at night."

"You are forgetting it's a lot colder where I come from." The mischievous look grew stronger in his eyes.

"Why do you always look like you're up to no good?" I asked leaning toward his like he had done earlier to me.

"Because I usually am up to no good." He whispered. "Can I trust you'll join me tonight then?"

"Maybe." I said standing and leaving him alone at the table. There was practically no one was left in the dinning hall anymore. Aries had stationed himself where he could clearly see me, and Palmyra sat over looking the whole room. I narrowly escaped her gaze as I exited the hall.

Back in my room Sona was waiting for me. She sat in my window seat and looked out at the forest. I could tell she knew I had come in, but she didn't look from the glass.

"Is it right for me to worry?" She asked.

Sona often asked me questions. Sometimes they were about ruling, sometimes they were about Jordan. I liked acting as her older sister, considering I'd never had a real sister to care for.

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