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I missed Jameston. He thought I was dead. Who knew, I might be dead soon enough. I roughly shoved the thought away not letting it creep back across my mind.

“You didn’t kill my brother.” Braxton’s voice was dry. He starred blankly into the sky that had been slowly lightening with the break of dawn. “I know you didn’t.” He looked over at me, and I just starred at him. “My kingdom thinks you did so you could marry Jameston. They say that Shantonstean has more money, so you changed your mind.”

Remaria was a poor kingdom, but I would never dream of doing anything so cruel.

“Some even believed that once you’d married him, you would kill him as well.” Braxton’s words were pained, but he continued. “I had been planning on coming to visit my brother once you were wed. I wanted to keep Hanry away from you as long as possible, but now I see that you’ve been his main target all along.”

“Stop.” My voice quacked as I held my hand out to him. “Wizards are in danger, and Hanry is dangerous.” I secretly pleaded for Parker to come back. “I get it.”

Silence fell over us again as I turned away from him. My arm and head both throbbed painfully. I couldn’t bear to talk with this man whose brother’s death had been my fault.

The purple flames from the woodless fire parker had conjured up flashed across his matching eyes as he rested his head against the tree. Snow flakes landed carelessly in our hair and melted before reaching the bright fire. It wasn’t as warm as an actual burning fire, but when Braxton had offered to light one for us the tree had begun to cry.

“I suppose we should get some sleep.” Parker sighed holding out his hand to clam the fire and make it dim. “We’ll have to keep flying if we want to make it to Eperphas any time soon.”

The fire hovered above us as we laid next to one another on the platform high above the ground.

As much as I missed my home, I dreaded returning. Braxton might think they would be eager to forgive, but I knew otherwise. Palmyra was still in charge, and Jordon would have no power to help me if I got into trouble. Hanry was still on the guard which meant if one saw me, he’d know about it. Not to mention with Helena returned with no word from me, Parker had vouched that everyone believed I was dead.

Braxton snored softly to my left and Parker’s shimmering wings twitched in his sleep. I was exhausted but still wide awake. The sun had been rising for hours and was now directly in my eyes. I pulled my cloak over my face and tried to silence my thoughts enough to sleep.

As the days passed, so did my patience. Parker knew me well enough to know not to speak to me, but Braxton insisted on constant conversation about magic. Once he realized that I really did know nothing about magic he began pestering Parker about elves and fairies.

“So you can control things in nature?” He asked one day while we were traveling on foot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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