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There was someone pounding on my door early the next morning. Maybe if I ignored it they would go away I thought groggily.

The pounding continued. They might as well have been pounding on my head it was so loud.

“Mara!” A voice cried through the door. “Mara is you in there?” It was Sam’s voice, and he sounded frantic.

“Sam what is it?” I cried pulling the door opened.

“Oh thank goodness,” He ran a hand over his face. “Mara, Jameston is gone. So is Molly! We can’t find them anywhere!” Sam’s face was desperate, and I could see the worried tears that brimmed in his green eyes. He held out a piece of black paper out to me. It looked almost identical to the letter that Weston had received a month earlier. The red seal was unbroken this time and my name was written in white ink. I hadn’t even noticed that the paper of the other letter had been black.

My stomach churned as I tore open the seal with shaking hands.

‘Well you tricked me Princess. I’m proud. I saw you sneaking around with your other Prince and I suppose I picked the wrong one. I suppose poor Weston’s life was all for naught. His family will be pleased I’m sure.  

Anyways, I see you’ve gotten attached to the little girl as well. We can’t have that can we?

 Your guess was wrong by the way, I’m not that silly man you think I am. I’m insulted Princess. I’m far worse. It’s not surprising that you haven’t done anything yet to stop me. Come my wizard friend, your Prince didn’t take my hint. Maybe you will if I spell it out. You have to come find me if you want Jameston and the little Princess back.

Your Weston was supposed to find me to stay alive. I just want to talk to you Mara, but you won’t talk to me.

Oh, and no cheating, Helena’s gone too.

Come and find me Mara. Meet me where Jameston would meet you. Tonight. At midnight. Alone.’

“Oh my God.” Sam groaned next to me. I looked over at him and saw that he was pale. “Oh my God.” He repeated only this time he buried his face in his hands.

“What time is it?” I asked clearing my throat. Same looked up at me and didn’t say anything. “Sam what time is it?” I didn’t let my face or voice show how frightened I really was. He croaked out “Ten” and I left him in my room.

I stormed out into the corridor and passed Elaine’s room to where she’d said her brothers’ rooms were. I was about to open the first door I saw when I heard Goff’s voice coming from a few doors down, and went toward it.

“Follow them?” Another voice cried. “How?”

“I don’t care how, just do it!” Goff leaned heavily against a heavy wooden desk that was in the room. Neither of the men looked at me as I stood in the door way.

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