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  • Dedicated to I dedicate this to everyone who encourages my writing:) no matter who you are

"I'm just going to hunt while I can," Jordan smiled after giving me his warm embrace. I knew what he meant. Father had been ill for a long time, and was steadily getting worse. Jordan being the oldest of us two was next in line for the throne, and would not be permitted to hunting once he was king. Therefore, he was hunting while he still could. Jordan hair waved slightly above his eye brow, his eyes slate grey, yet warm.

Jordan was virtually the only person who mattered in my life anymore. My mother died birthing me, and my father had never forgotten it. As law of the kingdom he had remarried, but Palmyra was a witch of a woman who hated me almost as much as I hated her. Jordan knew he could only be next in line if he had a queen by his side, and Father's advisor had suggested me to be my brother's bride, but the thought of producing heirs was unnerving for both of us. I was a last resort. Jordan had thankfully found a beautiful Lady and quickly asked her to marry him. She was younger than I was, but still a lovely girl who I wouldn't mind marrying my brother. Sona stood by my side as we waved farewell to my only brother, her betrothed.

"Shall we go see your father?" Sona asked looking for something to do.

"No, Palmyra would never let me in anyways. I'm going into the forest. I will see you later." I pulled my cloak up on my shoulders and tied it.

"You can't!" Sona cried reaching for my arm, but missing. "Jordan said to never go into the forest with out him."

I reached under a bush and pulled out my bow and quiver that Jordan had gotten me for my birthday a few years before.

"I can protect myself." I grunted fastening the strap in front of me. "And if I can't, I will call for Helena." Sona floundered for words that would get me to stay with her, but she knew she wouldn't be able to find any. Her eyes darted worriedly between me and the dragon house over the hill where my dragon Helena most likely slept.

"I will be fine," I reassured her, kissing the top of her head, she was only 16. Too young for Jordan, but we both agreed that she was the best match for him.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked hugging me. "You'll be back for the wedding won't you?"

"I will be back when I get back. If Helena leaves for me, which she won't, tell Jordan if he is back. If he isn't tell no one."

"Why do you enjoy the forest so much?" She asked a tear running down her cheek. I knew it was for both me and for Jordan.

"It is where my friends are," I smiled at her.

"I am your friend am I not?" she asked. I laughed, but she didn't smile like I thought she would.

"You are to be my sister. That is different." I smiled, "But of course we are friends. On top of everything else I need to get away from-

"Palmyra," She finished with me. "Can't I come with you? I've never been to the forest before." She pleaded desperately. I could understand not wanting to be cooped up in this castle, but Jordan would never forgive me if something happened to her.

"What if we got separated?" I asked sternly. "If you got hurt or needed help I would have no way to find you, and Helena wouldn't know unless I told her. I don't think a dragon crashing through the forest is a very good way to stay secret." I smiled at her, and then turned to go.

The forest wasn't as dangerous as I made it sound. I hardly ever shot at anything, but I had had to more than once, and I couldn't have Sona hanging around me if I did.

The trees in the forest grew so tall and so broad it took a skilled person to climb them, so I sat on one of the lowest braches and spread myself, leg hanging down as I breathed quietly. I knew I shouldn't have, but I fell asleep perched in my tree. My arm slipped from my side. Tired, I just left it dangling there, until suddenly something warm and soft brushed against my knuckles. I shot to my feet and notched my arrow in record time. I pointed it down toward my feet waiting for any sign of movement. I didn't move besides my slow steady breathing, until I heard the twig snap behind me. Spinning on my heal I turned just quick enough to see a broad chest flying toward me. As we hurtled toward the ground I didn't panic knowing we were close to the forest floor, but my attacker thought differently. They let go of me and rolled onto the ground gracefully as I flopped on the ground beside them.

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