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I ate from the small animal that Jameston had cooked for us while he went back into the wood to find a little more. He took the cloak back and I was left alone with Helena, toying with the small bag on my hip absent mindedly.

I stayed occupied with my thoughts until I heard a twig snap behind me, I spun around automatically reaching for an arrow but then I remembered it was with Jameston and I was defenseless against what ever it was that was approaching me in the forest.

I thought back to everything Parker and Jordan had taught me about defending myself. “Don’t run, hide until you can’t. If you hadn’t been spotted you defiantly will be if you run.” Sounded more useful for a child. “Don’t waist your arrows.” Useless. “Don’t shoot at everything that moves,” Again, useless. “It’s easier to break out of their grip if you pull against their thumb, not their fingers.” I’d remember that if they got near enough to grab me. “If you kick, don’t let them grab your leg and throw you off balance.” Obvious. “It’s better to get hit in the back than in the face or gut.” I didn’t exactly think I’d enjoy either option.

I shifted my weight in my comfortable soft leather boots, suddenly very glad I’d kept them in the basket with Helena, or else I’d have to fight whatever it was in the “stylish” shoes that the maids had crammed my feet into before the wedding.

Listening to the approaching footfalls my mind blew threw options of what could be causing them. To loud to be a deer, or anything smaller far that matter. Its was moving to slow to be Jameston returning early, unless he was hurt. I kept myself calm even though picture after picture of Jameston trudging wounded and bleeding through the forest flashed through my mind.

“I’m telling you I saw smoke!” A gruff croaking voice grunted somewhere near me. I slid under Helena’s leathery wing and found foot hold on her scales and climbed up to the top of her back, completely covered by her folded wing.

“Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I would enjoy getting my hands on the reward money that stupid, pregnant bitch queen is offering for that prince’s hide, not to mention the princesses well being,” Another voice just as gruff as the first sound closer.

Well being? Why would Palmyra care anything about my well being? And she did want Jameston dead.

“Oi! Look at that!” The voice sounded like it was right next to my ear now. “A real life dragon.” I didn’t dare move. “And it’s asleep too!” The first voice continued getting nearer despite the fact that I had though it impossible.

“The dragon’s never harmed a soul, the queen said so!” It was the second voice now, it was only slightly farther away than the first. I felt like their voice ricochet  around my skull, only muffled by the sound of my frantic heat trying to escape my chest.

How on earth had any word of our escape made it this far? The fastest way to travel was by dragon, and only a wizard could communicate with them. I was the only wizard in Eperphas.

“If the dragon is here that Princes can’t be far.”

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