Who- What are you?

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This is a new story with original characters plz enjoy anyways enjoy

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping out my window and rays of sunlight piercing through my curtains. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, stretching whilst getting up.

I walked to the bathroom to start my daily routine.

💦💦 Time skip 💦💦

I walked down the stairs and saw my grandpa in the kitchen, I walked in seeing him setting down the plates on the countertop, "Morning Gramps," I said cheerfully.

"Morning Akai," he said giving me a warm smile, we sat down and began to eat as I was excited about my daily diving.

"So Akai found anything interesting lately," I shook my head, I only did diving for fun but my grandpa insists I should do it professionally. 'He's the only person I have since my parents-' "Akai are you okay?" 'I guess I was too into my thoughts', I gave him a warm smile responding with, "Everything's fine"

I finally made it to the beach, it wasn't too far from the house but I can't say it was a stroll away either. So... It's a long walk but a short walk to? I walked down the peer to the deepest part I had ever gone. They say not to go deeper than this so I marked the area with a beautiful shell I found under there.

I grabbed my mask pulling over my face, tying my hair into a bun and putting on my fins. I buckled the oxygen tank into place on my back and jumped off the pier.

The feeling of water all around me was strange, but in a good way, but something felt different. I saw a flash of red but when I looked around I didn't see anything.

I looked below me and saw the red fading into the sea's dark blue, intrigued I followed, going downwards ignoring the pressure warning. My new equipment was supposed to be able to go 1000 ft anyways. 

I was getting tired and decided to float there for a while, the red flash passed again and when I turned around there was a mermaid or.... Merman?

He was moving his mouth but I couldn't understand anything he was saying, I tried doing sign language, but he didn't seem to understand.

I decided to resurface since I was getting a little cold, and that thing, I mean he followed me. I pulled up my mask as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Hello," I jumped as I heard a strong masculine voice behind me, as I turned around I realized it was the merman. "Hello,"  I said waving back at him, he swam closer to me and I decided to stay calm but I was screaming internally.


"How are you able to stay underwater for so long" he had a confused expression as he swam around me, I felt like I was being inspected. "M-my scuba gear" I stuttered dang it, my shyness is showing.

"The scuba gear?" I was going to say something but I heard something coming towards us or rather, SWIMMING towards us. The strange being dove back into the water and his bright red tail disappeared once again.

The sound of water splashing stopped and thus I swam back to shore deciding to keep my discovery to myself.

I finally made it back home when the sun was setting which was great, I could hear my grandpa's snores from the bedroom, I crept up the stairs trying my best to not wake him up.

I changed my clothes and laid down thinking about that strange thing from the depths of the sea.

                      -----------------POV CHANGE

"The scuba gear?" I asked myself as I swam down rather speedily back home before the guard found out I had interacted with a human.

I saw light peeking through the darkness of the blue water and sighed stopping to catch my breath, I had made it, but before I could start swimming I felt something or rather SOMEONE grabs my tail.

I turned around and was surprised when the guard had caught up with me and upset was all over his face.

"Your father's going to be very upset" I sighed, following him back to my father's chambers, I just realized that the guard was Pascal, his duty was to watch me after sunrise and before sunset, so I only had the nights to myself. I should've known he would follow me.

Pascal knocked on the door, as I fiddled with my fingers, I was never the nervous kind but my father could change that in an instant, for anybody in fact.

"Come in" Pascal opened the door and I followed. He told my father about what happened and he shook his head asking Pascal to leave so he could talk to me.

"Atem you should know better than to interact with the humans, may I remind you that they're the reason we stopped going to the Crystal Empire"

"Dad I-I was just curious-"

"Don't you know curiosity killed the catfish, you just need to stay away from the humans"

"So how come I'm allowed to the shores without protection at night?"

"Because these humans have a routine placed in their bodies where they sleep at night"

I sighed heavily, if I wanted to see any humans again I have to convince dad I won't talk or interact with the human's lives.

But my dad hasn't said anything about the Crystal Empire since the empress died, had he finally gotten past it.

"There's something else, when are you going to find a maiden for yourself?"

That's when I had heard enough and stormed out of his room,'your becoming king soon' he says 'you need to find a wife' he says, it's really getting on my tail fins.

But how am I going to see the human with that scuba gear?

Thanks for reading come again 😁😁😁 all except one character was an OC if you're a real fan you'll know who lol

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