Dreams Crushed

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Shrimps = Butterflys

"Sir we cannot go on the route, it is said that the storms are strongest there!"

I paused mid-step and listened to the conversation happening, "I. Don't. Care. I promised my daughter that she would see the Libra constellation and it's only visible at these coordinates."

"But si-"

"If you don't do this, when we dock I'll make your life VERY miserable."

I heard footsteps coming closer and resumed walking down the hallway. I recognized the sound of the door beeping open and walked faster. I made it to the room but someone called me.

"Hey, you!"

I turned around and plastered a smile on my face, "Hi..."

I couldn't even continue after that, it was a boy who was shorter than me but he was so cute.

"Hey is Kaiba there? He said we had a meeting."

I distinctly remember what Kaiba said about 'meetings'. 'no one has anything with me. Just tell them I'm not there"

"No, I'm not sure where he went."

The short boy sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets before pulling out a folded piece of paper, "Can you at least give him this, Kaiba corps been having some…. Trouble."

I nodded and took the paper, he started walking away and I thought about if I should give Kaiba the paper.

He then gave me a wave goodbye, but I caught up to him, 

"What's your name?"


Kaiba had mentioned him in that call… so them maybe it's okay to give him the paper. I was about to swipe the keycard when I heard, "Goodday Mrs. Kaiba."

I shot him a death glare and he put up his hand defensively waking down the hallway.

I opened the door, to find Kaiba changing his clothes. I quickly ran inside the bathroom to avoid the embarrassment that would make the rest of this trip uncomfortable.

He knocked on the door and I came out, slightly awkward as I realized he still didn't have a shirt on. I handed him the note from my pocket and tried not to show my uneasiness as I walked past him towards the balcony.

I looked at him and saw his neutral expression twist into a scowl.

"What happened?" The 'trouble' at K.C. was probably more than he was expecting.

"They've been trying to find merpeople by dragging fishing nets around. They said they had caught something but when they lifted the net it was shredded," He shoved the note into his pocket and glanced at me, "Who gave you this?"


He sighed and grabbed a shirt from his closet, I turned around and looked out the balcony, facing the sky.

         ------POV CHANGE------

I swam to the throne room at full speed excited to see Aki. She was sent to land as a spy to see if there were any threats to our civilization on land.

We knew each other since we were young, she was the only one I trusted with any secrets of mine. When my mother died she was the one who comforted me the most since my parents were very fond of her.

When she was chosen to be a spy I wished her well but hoped she would stay a little longer. When she left I had to find some new friends and thus I met Brooklyn, Kaito, and his sister; Kishi.

I swam to my father's side and watched as they entered the room in a single file. I pouted when I didn't see Aki, no one looked like her and I feared the worst.

They said their names and I tried my best to hide my shock when a green-eyed girl with glasses said her name.

"Aki Horuto, it's an honor to be in your presence sir," Her blonde hair floated around her as she bowed.

I tried to get eye contact with her but she kept her gaze towards the floor. 'She looks so different.'

After they all said there names, they exited the same way they entered. I swam towards the line and gently grabbed Aki.

She looked at me shocked and allowed me to pull her off the line. We embraced and tears welled in my eyes, 'I've missed you for so long.' We let go and looked into each other's eyes, until she wiped my tears.

She grabbed my hand and my stomach felt like it was full of shrimps as she pulled me out of the throne room.

"Let's go to the surface!"

"I can't..."

"Oh… well, show me around Atlantis! What's changed!?"

I smiled, "Sure!"

I grabbed her hand and swam towards the healing pod.

            ------POV CHANGE------

I woke up to a sudden shaking, for a second I thought that an earthquake was happening but quickly changed my perception. I realized that the ship was now stinking instead, I quickly shook Kaiba awake not caring if he would be upset.

He glared at me but quickly focused his attention to the sinking ship. I looked out the balcony and thanked ra when I realized we were in the topmost room on the ship.

There was a large abnormally placed spike piercing the ship. I grabbed Kaiba's hand, and ran out of the room till we reached the elevator. While we were waiting I felt the ship shake and the elevator was taking to long. Kaiba grabbed my wrist and ran towards the staircase so fast he was almost dragging me.

We ran up the stairs and by the time we got to the top, we were out of breath and the water was consuming our room's floor.

I watched as they released the last raft from the ship, leaving me and Kaiba on the ship. Suddenly, the ship started shaking but it was more violent than before. It started tilting, making it difficult to stand up. Before I could even react, I was picked up and suddenly felt water all around.

I started panicking, 'I need to grab something!'

I looked around frantically until I spotted a piece of the hull floating. I swam as fast as I could until it was in arms length. Kaiba followed and we both watched as the ship slowly sank, the water slowly devouring it.

I looked around, but didn't spot any life rafts or people. I was paranoid, 'What if a shark comes and eats us?! What if the storm gets worse?' 

The clouds were a dark shade of gray but their was an opening for the moon, which granted us some light. Endless water was surrounding us and we were hours away from land. 'What're we going to do?'

           ------POV CHANGE------

"C'mon Aki!"

I waited impatiently for her to catch up to me, "Hurry up!"

She finally finished admiring the sea flowers and resumed following me. I grabbed her wrist with one hand, and the Jasper in the other.

We swam towards the island, but something wasn't right. The water around here felt disturbed, I looked around and spotted an object shining. 

I swam towards it and realized it was a phone, a human device. I surfaced and looked around, although the moon barely lit up the water's surface.

I sighted the gifting stone, which had blessed our ancestors with materials to build Atlantis and the Crystal Empire. I noticed another object gleaming in the moonlight.

I swam towards it, glancing behind me to see Aki swimming behind me speedily. When I was close enough I realized it was a piece of metal and two humans were clinging onto it.

Their heartbeats were faint, they were sleeping. I swam closer, and recognized one of the humans was Akai. The island wasn't far from here, so after much thought I decided to push them to the island.

"Aki, can I ask a favor of you?"

"What is it Atem?"

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