Why has this happened?

171 9 1

Enjoy srry for taking so long lol

"Why are you here?"

I said mildly irritated by her sudden appearance.

"Oh um, your still here?".

"Yes, I live here".

I muttered, clenching my teeth in frustration.

"Well I mean, I was expecting Dāku but... Is he-".

"No, he's at work".

I explained crossing my arms, glaring at her as she set her bag down on the counter.

"Well, I'll just wai-".

I didn't even let her finish, walking outside slamming the door behind me as I took deep breaths to calm myself.

I decided to go through the back door, not wanting to engage in another pointless conversation.

I grabbed my scuba gear and bathing suit, locking my bedroom door before leaving, I didn't need her in my business. 

I made it to the beach around twelve, putting on my mask and fins before diving into the water. I'll go deeper than before, maybe I'll see that creature again.

                 ------POV change------

"Hey Atem, do you want to join us?".

I turned around to see my closest friend Kaito swimming towards me, I shook my head as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"No? Why not! Your old man can't be that vile".

"Remember last time".

"But that was an accident! And we were playing tailball not soccer!".

I peered over my shoulder, watching as the other mermen got ready to play.

"You should go, they look like they're about to start".

He unwrapped his arm around me and started swimming off.

"Say hi to Brooklyn for me".

He gave me one last wave goodbye before joining the game. I decided to take the path through town to the palace, hoping that I would see Brooklyn.

Most of the merfolk bowed and I tried to act comfortable with it, but honestly, I just wanted to be treated like a regular citizen for once.

I spotted a messy pink bun in the corner of my eye and turned to see Brooklyn in a clothing store. I swam through the door spotting her dark pink hair.


I saw her head peak above the shelf and a smile grew on her face until she ducked backed down and swam towards me at full speed.


Unfortunately, she couldn't stop in time and we went spinning through one of the aisles our laughs filling the store.

"Careful Brooklyn, you might make us break something".

She giggled and gave me a warm-hearted hug as she smiled brightly once more.

"Sorry, but don't tell me you're a buzzkill like your dad".

We laughed once more, I knew we shouldn't be making fun of the most powerful being in the entire ocean, but my friends and I just couldn't help it.

"Well, I'm heading to the palace right now-".

"Well, then I guess this is where we go our separate ways, before your father comes and tried to marry us".

She laughed but I just tried not to look embarrassed as a dark red crept on my cheeks. We said our goodbyes and I resumed my journey to the palace.

              ------POV CHANGE------

"Damn it".

I mumbled under my breath checking my oxygen tank, it was low I would have to go and refill it.

My grandmother was still there and I was pissed off, I don't understand why she would come back after all she did.

I suddenly heard a car door close and jerked my head up, looking out the window to see my grandpa entering the house.

I threw open my door and nearly tripped running down the steps. I saw him and that woman staring at each other.

"Dāku! It's great to see you again".

"Oka? Oka yaki?".

"Yea, I'm back and I've thought about what you said, and I've changed… For you".

My grandfather's eyes were as big as saucers and she was rummaging through her bag and pulled out two pieces of paper.

"I've booked two tickets for New York and I was hoping you would come with me and maybe consider a relationship".

"I can't believe you would do that for me but I can't go with you".

Her calm expression changed into a furious one in less than a second.

"What! Why not?".

"Well Akai is still going to college and I need to be here for her"

"Why do you care about her so much! What had she done except tear our family apart! I've been there for you, through everything! But noooo, YOU PICK SOME LOUSY LEACH OVER ME!".

She stomped her foot on the ground and get eyes were full of rage as she faced me and pointed her finger at me.


I ran up the stairs and locked my door, I remember, the arguments between them and her leaving but nothing about me doing anything. I rested my head on my pillow and urged myself to go to sleep maybe she'll be gone when I wake up, hopefully.

             ------POV CHANGE------

I made my way to the throne room to see how my father was doing, it had me a decade but my mother's death could not get passed him.

"Father, it's good to see you"

He gave me a warm smile and seemed in a good mood, maybe he had gotten past it after all.

"Atem, are you finally going to tell me you've found a bride?"

I rolled my eyes, my father was never going to get over this trivial topic. I didn't want to get married, well not yet.

"When the Crystal Empire is restored"

My father's face turned white like a ghost and I took that as a sign to leave, I decided to visit even though it was prohibited.

After a long journey and lots of guard dodging, I finally made it, the castle was decaying and a whole wall was missing.

I swam inside the throne room, the thrones were covered with kelp and seaweed, and large chunks were missing as well.

I swam around and noticed something glowing under my mother's throne, it's aura was a deep red like my tail.

It was a red garnet a very rare type of crystal, it was decorating a jewelry box and when I opened it, a circular metal with a red stick, sandpaper map, and a cloth.

The wasn't an ordinary piece of fabric though, it looks like the fabric humans wear. It was thick and tough and slightly heavy even though it was small.

I then realized that the map showed all the beaches nearby, then it struck me...My mother went to the surface regularly.

I put the items back in the box and put it back under the throne, this had to be my secret if my father found out he would totally destroy the Empire to make sure there aren't any more secrets.

Hopefully, he isn't looking for me, it would be hard to explain where I've gone to.

Author's note: the picture is Akai and I hope you enjoyed KIOSHI OUT

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