Break Time

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"Frequent storms offshore are getting stronger and more fatal. Meteorologist advise cruises and sailers to avoid certain routes," The news changed from weather to occuring news which faded away due to my boredom.

I jumped at the sudden slamming of the door and heard Kaiba yelling from upstairs. I turned my head looking at him through the railing.

"Marik! Don't waste my resources on a futile attempt! If you can't pinpoint a precise location don't do it!"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a calming breath. He glanced at me and walked to the stairs.

"Marik if you can't do your job properly I can always ask Yugi," He stayed quiet most likely listening to the caller.

"OK FINE! This is your last chance don't screw it up."

He ended the call, shoved his phone into his pocket and walked down the stairs.

"Rough morning?"

He raised an eyebrow at me and rolled his eyes.

"You have no idea," I saw him turn around and go towards the counter, "Did you make breakfast?"

"Since I'm living here I might as well"

"Hmph that's...... Nice"

------POV CHANGE------

"They use the computers to find information."

"That is correct Brooklyn."

I was startled at the sound of the conch shell and waited excitedly for the teacher to dismiss us.

Ever since my father found out I was spotted by another human he's organized these classes to teach us about humans and their gadgets. He also made classes that teach us more about merfolk and our surroundings.

It took awhile to arrange the classes, find the building and to find suitable teachers. My father was the principal but since the classes started there hasn't been that much trouble recently. Having all the young merfolk in one area makes it easier to keep track of who's where at what time.

Brooklyn, Kaito and I were lucky enough to pick the same classes. Kaito told me it's been about a month, he's allowed to go on shore, so he's able to keep track of time.

I swam to my next class; Geology.

One of my favorites because it covers the formation of crystals. So far they haven't spoken about the side effects of coming into contact with one. I've been using an emerald to communicate with Akai, but since my father signed me up for this I haven't had time.

------POV CHANGE------


I grabbed my bag and headed towards my locker through the crowded hallway. Many students were cheering and I laughed internally.

It was the start of a week long vacation well for some students, specifically every student who topped one of their classes and I was one of them.

I checked my phone and saw a message from Kaiba: I'll pick you up at 3.

It was two thirty so I decided to finish my homework and do some extra studying.

"Finally finished,"

I mumbled to myself, I placed the books into my bag and spotted a familiar black Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot.

I swung my bag on my back and heading towards it. I spotted the last person I wanted to see and focused my gaze downward and hoped that she wouldn't see me.

"Well if it isn't guppy girl"

I looked up and saw the most popular but the meanest girl at school, Mai Valentine.

"What do you want Mai?"

"I just wanted to check up on you, anyways I heard you topped the class. Congratulations it's not like anyone else was paying attention"

"Well it's.... strange of you to think that, since we chose our subjects but unfortunately for me not my homeroom."

I said through clenched teeth, I balled my fists and tried to ignore the headache that was flooding my senses rapidly. She glared at me and crossed her arms, then she gave me a menacing look and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever... don't you know some teachers were saying that class should be cancelled since it had the least number of students, HA! No one cares about your stupid smelly fishes!"

She said pushing me down to the ground, I fell backwards and used my arms to cushion my fall as most of the discomfort went into my bottom.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes and I saw her scowl. She was about to speak until a demanding voice boomed from behind me.

"Leave her alone!"

Her gaze travelled towards whoever was behind me and her eyes turned huge for a second before going back to their threatening state.

"Why are you here Seto? Don't you have more important things to do, like running a company?"

"Pegasus told me to see if your were behaving yourself"

"Y-your lying! Pegasus wouldn't call a lowlife like you"

"My my, such strong words from a weak spirit"

She clenched her fists and she was getting visibly upset. Students were starting to look over hey due to the two most well known people in the city having a disagreement.

"I have to go Kaiba, I can't be wasting my time talking to you," She flipped her hair over hey shoulder and sashayed away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Kaiba stooping down beside me.

"Are you okay Akai?"

I nodded as he got up and reached his hand out for me, so I grabbed it and he helped me up.

We walked to the car and when the doors were closed I heard Kaiba chuckle to himself.

"What's so funny?"

"She's going to send get father after me... again."

I looked at him wide-eyed, "She... She sent her father after you before?"

"Yeah. She can be quite the handful, at least her father's reasonable to a certain... degree"

He turned the key and the car came to life with a powerful hum and before I knew it we were on the main road.

"Why'd you decide to pick me up today?" I looked at him suspiciously and pouted my lips.

"Cause I have a stupid event to go to and I need a plus one."

I looked at him surprised and confused, "Why did you bring me? Why didn't you bring your brother instead?"

"He has to watch the company while I'm gone,"

"How long is the trip?"

"One week."

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