You'll lose and receive in life

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Next chapter might come early yaaaaay!

I wanted to sleep the night away but my body had other plans as I felt around for my lamp, I finally found the switch and turned it on. I hoped that my grandmother had left but she was still there, I could tell cause I could hear a quiet conversation going on downstairs.

I changed my clothes and walked down the stairs and was surprised when I saw them hugging. I tried to go back upstairs without them seeing me but I was spotted and already felt exhausted even though I had just woken up.

"Akai! We were just about to get you".

I rolled my eyes and watched as my grandpa got up and gave me a hug, I hugged him back and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Akai.. you're 18, and going to college, I'm old and getting weaker by the day, I trust you so I've decided to go with Oka".

My heart shattered what my only family was leaving me, no no no no.


"Oka promised to send money for the house rent and for you, you'll be fine".

"W-when are you leaving?".


I started crying and we hugged, I knew he didn't want to leave but I had to learn to take care of myself, he wouldn't be here forever after all.

"Okay, we have to pack, go get some sleep".

I went up to my room and sobbed softly into my pillow, after a while I started getting tired but then I heard my door creak open and I buried my head into the pillow, so he wouldn't see my tears.

"Akai I'm going now, I'll see you in two months"

I felt him kiss my forehead and heard the lock click, a sense of loneliness washed over me as I heard the car drive off.

I checked my clock and was relieved when it was only seven, I grabbed my scuba gear, in addition to my underwater light and made my way to the beach.

         ------POV CHANGE------

We waved Brooklyn goodbye, as Kaito and I swam up to the surface as it was nighttime and I haven't been to the surface in a while.

Kaito had been to the surface many times and learned about lots of human things. I was excited to go to the surface but our trip was delayed when I got intrigued by one of his tales. 

When we finally made it to the surface it felt refreshing to feel the cold air on my skin once again.

I didn't see Kaito and went back underwater. I looked around and saw a merperson sinking, they weren't moving so I quickly swam over.

I realized it was that human girl from before, and her lifeforce was fading. I quickly brought her on the beach but she still didn't move and I was beginning to worry.

I didn't see Kaito anywhere and I was worried that he had ditched me but I quickly pushed the thought out of my head.

I held her hands and used my healing powers hoping that it would work without any physical injuries.

She still wasn't moving and I was starting to panic, but then I felt something push me away. Kaito was pushing down her chest and my anxiety rose when I unexpectedly heard her coughing.

I went to her side and watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open, Kaito dived back into the water as the waves were barely touching our tails.

I watched as she took several deep breaths, she looked at me wide-eyed before I dived back into the water feeling refreshed as I gave her a nervous smile.

"It's you"

        ------POV CHANGE------

I opened my eyes to see that merman at my side looking at me worriedly, that's when I remembered I had to refill my oxygen tank. I must've passed out thank God he was here, he dived back into the water and smiled.

"It's you"

I suddenly saw another head pop up from under the water, it was a male with short curly hair. He glared at me suspiciously exchanging glances between me and the merman.

"I don't think we've properly met, I'm Atem"

I got up and went into the water, luckily the water wasn't too deep, only to my waist. He held his hand out for me and I shook it smiling back at him.

"I'm Akai, who's your friend"

The other merman swam closer, as he pushed his hair away from his face.

"I'm Kaito, nice to meet you Akai"

"Same to you Kaito"

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, I finally met the creature up close, it was so fascinating how nobody had seen one before.

"Akai can you tell me more about this scuba gear"

"You remembered!"

I explained how the oxygen tank worked and why I had passed out, I showed him the goggles and fins.

He was in awe every time I showed him something new, his friend seemed uninterested so when I finished explaining I decided to make conversation.

"You don't seem at surprised Kaito"

He blinked and started chuckling.

"I've been to the surface many times, that's how I knew how to save you"

I'm pretty sure it was late since I don't know how long I was out for. I waved them goodbye and gathered my stuff before going back home, school was starting soon I have to get my sleep schedule back on track.

Thx for reading 😊

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