1. [Where It All Started]

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  • Dedicated to Briteceia Wenck

Cover made by missmakeovermycover thanks so much love.

"F.E.A.R., has two meanings - Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours."


{August Alsina POV}

I was laying in bed when I heard my step pops, and my mama fussing downstairs.

"This shit neva ends." I said to myself.

I decided to text my best friend Renee and see if I can stay over there with her and her baby. I can't take all of this arguing anymore. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and scrolled through my contacts, until I got to Renee's number, then I texted her.

Me: aye ma, can I come ova. step pops, and mama goin at it again

Renee: yeah sure. i'm bored anyways. momma and her "boyfriend" gettin on my nerves

Me: aight be thea in 10

Renee: okay boo see you in a min. the back door is open.

Me: okaa

I grabbed a bag, and packed some clothes, deodarant, toothbrush, and my phone charger, and walked out my room door. I walked down the stairs, and they were still going at it. I was about to walk out the door until my step dad said something.

"Aye lil nigga where da fuck you think you goin"

"Nigga don't fuckin worry about whea the hell I'm goin, and you betta stop yellin at my moms, or ima beat your ass"

"You ain't gone do shit, now get your ass back in this house"

"Nigga ion know who the fuck you think you talking to"

"I'm talkin to yo ass"

"Ion have time for this shit man. I'm out" After I said that, I walked out the door getting in my car speeding off to Renee's house. I got there in 10 minutes later. I got out the car, and went to Renee's back door, and unlocked it, since she gave me a key. I walked up to her room, and opened her door. When I got in the she was playing with her daughter.

"Hey Renee." I said giving her a small smile before sitting on her bed.

"Hey August"

"Lemme see my baybeh"

"You gone stop calling my baby your baby"

"She is my baby, ha fatha might as well lemme have her, since heen wanna step up to the plate, and be a man'' I said speaking the truth.

"True true, you spend more time with her then he does" I heard her sigh to herself, but I didn't say anything about it.

"That's cause she my baybeh, and ain't nun that can change that"

"So August what's goin on at your house" she questioned watching me intently.

"Nigga ova dere trippin off some bullshit" I could feel myself becoming angry again.

"What happened?"

"I was getting ready ta' leave and come ova' hea, and he had the audacity ta tell me to get my ass back in da house, and we were goin' at it, so I just left anyways. Ion have time for his bullshit today"

"Well ya know you are always welcomed over here Aug"

"See this is why you my best friend" I said laughing, and she laughed right along with me.

"You gone gimme my baybeh na?" I asked her raising one of my eyebrows.

"Yeah, do you want to feed her?" She asked


She gave me Ciara, and her bottle. I adjusted her in my arms before I started feeding her. I quietly started to sing a song to her while rocking her back and forth.

"August you know you can really sing" Renee said watching me feed Ciara.

"Dat's what Mel said. He said I needa try to do some wit my talent, but ian wit all'lat"

"Why not? Think about it August, if you ever became famous you can finally leave, and move your family to a better place. I think it's a great idea. Maybe you should just think about it."

"True. Maybe I jus don't wanna leave ma bestfriend behind." I responded to her truthfully. I didn't want to leave her behind. If I ever leave this place, I would take her with me.

"Nigga I will be just fine. You don't have to worry about me."

"Mmm nah you gon have ta come wit me, I can't juh leave my baybeh down hea wit you" I said laughing a little.

"For one, she isn't your baby and I see you got jokes. I know how to take care of my child." She said crossing her arms with a little pout on her face.

"I wah juh playin calm down, but I'll think about it" I said getting up and laying Ciara in her crib.

"Mhm, you better be playing." She said. It was quiet for a while, and we both just sat there, looking at nothing in particular. It was a comfortable silence, and I had only wished that it was this quiet at my house.

"Aye my momma havin a cookout tamorrow, you and Cici should come through." I said breaking the silence.

"Okay sure. Are you staying here tonight?" She asked

"Yeah, if that's okay with you"

"It's fine wi-" She was cut off by her phone ringing. She picked up her phone, and I watched her facial expression change.

"Hold on this is Ciara's dad." I simply nodded and turned on the tv, so I could get out of her business.

{Renee POV.}

"What do you want Darien?" I asked him once I answered the phone.

"I wanna see you"

"Why? I told you the only way you could see me is if you wanted to see Ciara, and it doesn't look like you want to step up and be a father to someone you help create."

"Renee I didn't call you to be arguing ova some petty shit"

"So our daughter is petty"

"Man that's not even what I said. Stop twisting up my words, and I am a father to Kayla"

"Nigga that's not her name it's Ciara, and August is not even my boyfriend nor is he the father of my child, but he acts way more like her father than you do"

"I know damn well you ain't got some lil nigga around my daughter"

"Nigga shut the fuck up. I don't even know why I try to get you to step up to the plate to be her dad. I'm done trying, and I'm done with you. Don't ever call me ever again. I can raise my child by myself I don't want someone like you around my daughter anyways.

I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. I wasn't even trying to hear his mouth right now. Sometimes I wish August was Ciara's father, and not Darien. He kept calling back but I didn't even answer.

"You straight ma?" August asked, touching my shoulder.

"Yeah, sometimes I wish you were Ciara's dad you do a way better job than Darien and this is his fucking daughter"

"I am. How many times I gotta tell yo ass this is my baybeh blood or not. You know I got'chu"

"I know" I said smiling a little.

"You gone get through 'dis. I'm always hea' if you need anything."

"Thanks August." I said reaching over and hugging him.


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