9. [Where I Turn To You And Become In Need Of You]

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"His roar roared louder than her demons."

- Anonymous

{Renee POV--- few weeks later.}

Me and August have been hanging out a lot lately. I've honestly missed our friendship, and I'm glad we are close again. My phone vibrated in my lap. I picked it up, and seen I had a text from August.

August😩💞💯: want some food? -sent 11:21 a.m.

Me: yes please -sent 11:30

I got up and unlocked the door, and sat back down on the couch, and continued watching tv. I was currently watching Nellyville. I heard the door open then close. I saw August walk past me and into the kitchen with a waffle house bag. I got up and ran into the kitchen.

"Auggie!" I yelled, calling him by the nickname I gave him.

"What did I tell you 'bout 'dat gay ass nickname?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"But it's cute, and I like it." I said pouting

"You are such a baybeh. Stop poutin'."

"Shut up. What did you get me?" I asked ready to eat

"I got you the all star special." He said handing me my plate.

"Mmm my favorite, thanks August." I said pecking his cheek before sitting down at the table.

"Ya welcome" We ate the rest of our food in silence. When I was done, I got up and threw the to go plate away.

"We goin' out ta'nite." August said getting up also.

"Where are we going?" I asked mentally rolling my eyes. I did t really feel like going anywhere today.

"To the club."


{Later that night.}

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I wrapped it around my body, then I walked out of the bathroom, and into my closet. I skimmed through some of the dresses I had, and sighed. I hated picking out outfits. It was always so difficult.

After finally deciding on an outfit, and I laid it on my bed, along with the accessories I was going to wear along with it. I slipped on my panties, and my bra after lotion one up. I looked over at the time on the clock, and realized I still had some time to kill, so I sat at my vanity and started applying light make up to my face.

August walked into my room as I was finishing up getting ready. I put my phone in my clutch, and got up from my bed.

"Are you ready love?" August asked holding out his hand. I put my hand in his, and nodded yes as he lead me downstairs.

{August POV--- at the club.}

I grabbed Renee's hand, and led her up to the VIP section. Once I got up there, I saw Trey sitting on the lunch with a girl leaning against him. Renee, out of nervousness stood behind me. I was still holding her hand as we approached Trey.

"Wassup Trey." I said as he stood up and gave me a brotherly hug.

"Wassup man. I haven't see you in a while. Where have you been?" He asked interrogating me,

"With this gawgeous women. Renee this is Trey And Trey this is Renee, my best friend from New Orleans. Renee this'll Trey Songz. He's a good friend of mine." I said pulling her in front of me. I held her waist with one arm to calm her nerves and she shyly greeted Trey.

"Hi nice to meet you." She said shaking his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine. This is my friend Nadia. She's from out of town and she came to visit me." Trey said pulling her up. Nadia and Renee introduced themselves, and they eventually went down to the bar.

"So, you like her don't you?" Trey asked me as we watched the girls interact with each other at the bar. I sighed, running my hand down my face.

"Ya, I guess I do." I told him truthfully. "I've liked her when we were friends in New Orleans and now the feelings have recently came back."

"Tell her Aug. She might feel the same way." I nodded my head in complete understanding of what he was saying. I kept staring at her, never taking my eyes off of her. She looked up at me and smiled, and I returned the smile.

The rest of the night we all talked and laughed. Renee and I shared a couple of dances, which I enjoyed. They way she danced, I never knew she could move like that. It was going on three o'clock in the morning, so Renee and I decided to call it a night. We bided Trey and his friend Nadia a goodnight before leaving the club.

Once we got to my house, I got her situated in my bed. I took a shower, and slipped on some basketball shorts, and got in the bed with her. I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my chest. I thought about what Trey said to me at the club, and I let the word replay in y head.

"What are you thinking about?" Renee asked me as she traced the tattoo on my neck.

"Oh nothing serious. Just a conversation I had with Trey at the club." I said brushing it off as of it was nothing.

"Oh okay. Well goodnight." She yawned closing her eyes.

"Goodnight." I responded after a while of silence.

Why didn't I just tell her?


That's a wrap.

Excuse any mistakes.

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