20. [When Your Love Becomes One In A Million]

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"Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what now seems so obvious in hindsight."

- Judy Belmont

{August POV--- Five months later}

Over the coarse of the past five months, Renee and I have been getting a little better. We still have petty, and childish arguments but she's pregnant and her hormones are all over the place. Every time we have an argument I end up leaving and coming back the next morning or late at night. Contrary to Renee's belief I'm not going out and cheating on her like any other man probably would.

At this moment I was currently waiting on Renee to finish getting dress so we could head to her doctors appointment. Today is the day we find out the sex of the baby, but it won't be revealed to anybody else until the baby shower, which is next week.

"Renee, come on. You gone be late ta' your doctor's appointment." I said walking into her room.

"I'm coming August. I just need to put on my shoes." She responded. I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for her to come out the closet.

"Okay I'm ready." She said walking out of the room, or should I say wobbling. I followed close behind her, while walking down the stairs. Once we got down the stairs, her mom and dad were sitting on the couch like an old married couple reading newspapers, and drinking coffee.

"We're heading out mom and dad. I'll see you when I get back home." Renee said before walking out of the house. I helped her get in the car, and I jogged over to the drivers side and got in. I put the key in the ignition and drove off.

I drove for about fifteen minutes, and I finally pulled up at the hospital. I got out of the car, and helped Renee out, and we walked inside the hospital.

"Hey, we have a scheduled doctors appointment today." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Okay take this clipboard and this pen, and fill out the highlighted areas, and your doctor will be with you as soon as possible. You can wait over there in the waiting room. Just take a seat." She gave me and Renee a small smile and handed us the paper. I gave Renee the clipboard so she could fill out the information. Once she finished I took it back up to the front desk and sat back down and waited for a nurse to call Renee's name.

"Renee London?" Renee and I stood up and walked towards the nurse. We followed her into an examination room. Renee and I sat down in the chairs next to each other and the Nurse sat at the desk.

"How are you feeling today Ms. London?"

"I feel fine." Renee responded

"On a scale from one to ten, how is your pain? One being no pain, and ten being the worse."

"A one. There's no pain today."

"Okay, thank you. I'm going to go take these to your doctor and then he should be in here shortly. Have a nice day, and congrats." She gave a slight smile, and exited the room.

{Renee POV}

August and I sat quietly and patiently waiting on the Doctor. Lately I've been thinking the best thing for August and I right now is to co-parent when the baby comes. I don't know what's going on with August and I but I feel like he's cheating on me. Although I don't want to believe that, that's all I think about every time we get into an argument.

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