Short Story;Jin's love for his members

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As Jin watched his members fall asleep,he couldn't help the clench in his heart.

Yoongi was curled up in the corner of the couch,JaeSung was leaning on him with her head on his chest and his arm over her,as if he was trying to protect her from the dangers of the dark world he knows well enough.Namjoon was on the bed,tired and exhausted from this weeks schedule,the bags under his eyes were worryingly prominent in the dim lighting of the room. Taehyung,Jimin and Jungkook were curled up on the floor,holding onto each other as they slept,a habit they never let go.Hoseok was sleeping next to Namjoon,his feet lightly twitching and his arms moving;even in his sleep he never stopped dancing.

Jin wiped at his cheek,surprised by the sudden emotions swirling inside him.He quietly stood up and walked out onto the balcony,shutting the door behind him.

He sat on one of the chairs and looked up.The stars shined brightly against the dark sky and the moon seemed to dance.

He turned his and looked back inside,his family was still sound asleep.

In a year or two,he would have to leave. Enlistment was something he had put off for a while but now that it had become almost completely unavoidable,he hoped they could all enlist together,to avoid leaving their fans and family alone for so long.

He smiled slightly,thinking back to when they were younger,when the maknae line didn't worry as much and they were still kids,when Yoongi's worry was far much bigger than now,when Namjoon wasn't as burdened with all the fame,when Hoseok's only concern was his dancing and family,when he's only concern was to do good and protect his family.

Namjoon and his complete goofiness and his love for life made Jin fonder of him,his complete and unwillingness to always defend his group and lead them through hard times when the media endlessly attacked them and accused them of things they never did.The way he carried himself in interviews,saying things without a hint of doubt despite the anxiety eating him inside.Jin was glad Namjoon was the leader.

Yoongi and his ability to make music on the top of his head.The way he secretly cared for his members and recently showed his worry for them.How Min Yoongi was now more open in front of cameras and how he was the same Yoongi from before they debuted behind cameras.The way he could say thing with authority but never raising his voice.

Hoseok's undying love for dancing,singing and rapping.The strict dancer is his little brother and second leader,never hesitating to take the lead when things get tough.His unrelenting love for his members and anything involving them.His strong gaze that made people move out of the way so they can safely pass.The anger and resentment towards the media and haters fed into his determination when everything else seemed to fail.

Jimin's love and care for his members,always watching out from behind.His struggle to become better and accept himself as a person,the way he overcame it with the help of his members and fans.His unwavering support for everything his family did;never forgetting his roots.

Taehyung and his childlike innocence and love.How he can make them all laugh by a single sentence,whose voice comforts them like soft rain.How he's not scared to tell things how they are,how he can control a whole crowd with his voice.His determination to make the world better and make people respect and love each other.The way he promotes love as if it was their next song.

Jungkook and his unwavering love for his brothers and sister.He always takes the extra step to show his affection.How despite getting hurt,he always wanted to preform,not wanting to let his fans down.How when he fainted he wanted to get back and preform even if it lead to him getting hurt.His childlike attitude and how childish he can be when the camera is off,making everyone fall on love with him.

How JaeSung suffered the cruel world so early on in her life,never fully knowing what the embrace of a mother was or the love of father felt like.How she surpassed the expectation of her never making it far in life.Her strong attitude towards people who had wronged them,who was never afraid of what she said.Who was unapologetic of her support towards other artist,who told 'fans' to leave her alone when times were hard.How she loves big,her heart on her sleeves,never afraid to show her affection towards her brothers.How she was the missing piece in their family.

These where the things he loved and cherished.This was his family,they had been through thick and thin,they stuck together through every bump in the road,whether big or small.

As he stood up and walked back inside,they all stirred awake.

"Jin hyung?"Jungkook sleepily asked,sitting up from where he was.Taehyung whined at the sudden disappearance of Jungkook's warmth,and Jimin sat up,covering Taehyung with his jacket.

"I had to step outside for a while."Jin quietly said,passing by the couch. JaeSung stared up at him with hooded eyes,a small smile on her face.Jin smiled and kissed her forehead,lightly ruffling Yoongi's hair.He went around,lightly kissing his members forehead before letting them sleep again.

"We love you too Jin hyung/oppa."They all said sleepily,and if you ever asked Jin if he cried that night he would deny it,but as he laid down on the makeshift bed on the floor,tears ran down his cheeks.

"If we are together
Even the desert  becomes the sea"

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