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Chanhee and Changmin were sitting on the porch, looking at the sky.

The sun was slowly setting and the children were waiting for the perfect moment to say the perfect words to each other.

Chanhee and Changmin have known one another almost their whole lives, and they're basically a match made in heaven.

They're too young to know what love is but they know that love is the exact same feeling they have for each other. When Chanhee sees Changmin, he can't help but feel happiness when around the younger. Same goes for Changmin, who is currently obsessed with the older.

They called eachother boyfriends (while of course not knowing what the word meant) and even gave small kisses to the other. It was honestly cute when Changmin would grab Chanhee's face, squishing his cheeks a little, and pecks him on the lips.

Speaking of kissing, they were each other's first kiss. It was when the Ji family were visiting the Choi's for Chanhee's 4th birthday. While Chanhee was eating cake, Changmin witnessed his parents kissing each other, and the younger thought it would be a good idea to do the same with his lover.

They're basically husbands at this point. Changmin's mom even bought them both mini rings with their initials on it. Of course, the rings were pricey, but she thought it was worth it for the children who she hoped would marry each other in the future.

Yes, their moms wholeheartedly support this relationship. Who wouldn't? They're known as the cutest couple in the whole neighborhood.

Anyways back to the two young boys....

They were holding hands and the brown haired male laid his head on Changmin's shoulder. The older closed his eyes for a bit, because he was really comfortable.

They could see the sun on the horizon as it lays perfectly on the ocean bed. The sound of waves crashing on the rocks soothes the both of them.

Their houses were lined towards the edge of their small town, and they could see the ocean clearly. It was more on a cliff instead of laying on top of the sand, but if they wanted to go for a swim, there was a beach nearby.

Chanhee and Changmin look at each and smile. They thought now was a perfect time to talk....

"Nyu, I love you..." 5 year old Changmin said.

The boy kisses Chanhee on the forehead and the other blushes.

"I love you too Kyu..."

The older places his head back on the younger's shoulder and the two fall in silence. You would think their relationship is perfect and would be everlasting....but....

"I need to tell you something..." Changmin suddenly stands up.

Chanhee followed suit and grabs Changmin's arm. The 5 year old didn't think anything was wrong. Of course he wouldn't, he was an oblivious child.

"What is it?" The older brown haired tilts his head.

"Daddy got a new job and I have to move houses..." Changmin doesn't look at Chanhee as he knows the older is more emotional than him. He learned that the hard way...

"But, we'll see each other right?"

Changmin shakes his head, "Daddy said we can't come back..."

Chanhee starts to get teary eyed, "When are you leaving?"


The older then begins to cry and Changmin hugs him. He rubs circles in his back to comfort him and the boy calms down a bit. The younger grabs his leftover juice and gives it to Chanhee.

"Don't cry, I still love you...."

"But you'll leave me..."

"Wanna make a promise?!" the younger suggested.

Chanhee tilts his head as Changmin holds out his pinky.

The older links pinkys with him and Changmin continues, "When we're older, and meet again, we marry eachother kay?"

Chanhee wipes his extra tears and nods, "Kay..."

And with that the two shared their last kiss and said goodnight to eachother since it was past their bedtime.


Chanhee waits by the porch and says his goodbyes to Changmin.

There were a lot of tears that were shed yet he couldn't do anything about it. It hurt the older browned haired a lot to see his Kyu leave him.

It was hard to pry Chanhee off of Changmin but the parents managed. They basically just pulled the older away from the younger and made his older sister keep him from running to Changmin

The Ji family wished their goodbyes and left towards the bus.

Chanhee cried all day and couldn't do anything....but can you blame him? The boy just lost his boyfriend.

That night he picked himself up and got out of bed. He made sure not to make any noise and wake up his family.

He tiptoed to his white closet and grabbed an empty diary. The diary was brown with a piece of fabric stuck in the top of the book to keep him from losing his place. The boy loved to write and Changmin gave the diary to him as a present when he turned 5.

He opened to the first page and began.

Day 1 of waiting....

Hello everyone, I'm back with another book. So ya know how I said I was mostly going to write multifandoms....welll....hey look it's baby Chanhee and Changmin!! But like can we talk about how smart Chanhee is...he's literally writing and he's 5. When I was 5, I was probably eating dirt. Jkjk I have a bad immune system. Also I hope you're liking this book so far. I decided to change things up because I really disliked how I wrote things before...Anyways have a nice day.
-Mena~ <3

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now