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The last bell rings and Chanhee grabs his bag. He makes sure he has everything before closing it.

He says his goodbyes to Kevin and Jacob and walks all the way to the parking lot.

He spots Jaehyun's car and walks over to bright red vehicle.

He enters the car and kisses his boyfriend on the cheek, "Hey Jae!"

Jaehyun quietly says hi and Chanhee looks at him, a little confused on why the older was quiet, "Are you ok?"

"Yea why?"

Chanhee shakes his head, maybe something happened and he doesn't want to talk about it. He knows Jaehyun... he'll be his normal self by the next day.

Chanhee reaches over and turns on the radio. The two listen to music quietly, but don't speak to each other the whole ride.

The silence was killing Chanhee and the pink haired had to say something, "Did I do something wrong?"

Jaehyun looks at the younger, shocked by his words, "Don't ever think that it's your fault."

Chanhee becomes a little calm and smiles, "Maybe it's something else..."

However a couple of minutes later, Jaehyun speaks, "I was the one who did something wrong..."

Chanhee grabs Jaehyun's hand, "Babe, I promise you that everything will be ok."

Jaehyun looks at the pink haired and gives him a weak smile, "If only you knew..."

The brown haired drops the younger off and Chanhee enters his house.

The pink haired shouts, "I'm home!" and sets his bag down.

Chanseo walks down the stairs and waves at his brother, "Hey Hyung!"

Chanhee looks over at the couch where his sister would usually be sitting and texting her girlfriend, "Where's Eunji Noona?"

"She took Mimi Noona out on a date. Mom's also not home, she went out to buy groceries..."

"So you're here all by yourself!?!"

"I'm old enough to be home alone!"

"Says the boy who brushes his hair with a hello kitty brush."

"Shut up hyung, at least I don't cry while watching dumb rom-coms!"

Chanhee scoffs and crosses his arms, "Whatever..." Chanseo wasn't usually the one to talk back to people, but it looks like he's growing out of his baby phase, which pains Chanhee to see since he will always see the boy as a baby.

"Anyways, someone's coming over later and I don't want you to disturb them so you better be in your room ok?"

"Who's coming over? Is it your husband?"

"Will you quit it! I already told you that I don't have a husband!"

"That's not what your diary said..."

"Choi Chanseo, if you say another word about my 'husband,' I'm going to lock you in your room and take all of your video games. Do I make myself clear!" Chanhee shouts.

In reality, Chanhee was scared...scared that Chanseo will tell Changmin about their past.

However, he nodded quickly and ran up the stairs, probably to hide all of his video games from the older.

The pink haired checks the time, "3:30, enough time to get ready."

"Why are you getting ready for him?"

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now