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Younghoon lays down on his king-sized bed and tried to call Changmin for the millionth time.

He groans when the call went straight to voicemail and smacks his forehead.

"I fucked up...and now Changmin is going to go to that damn Choi!"

Younghoon felt like crying but he doesn't. His mama didn't raise no weak bitch...well ok his mama didn't raise him at all but still!

The dark brown haired got out of bed and went down the many flights of stairs. It was a normal life for the boy and the only lifestyle he would adapt too.

As always his mother was working at her company, meaning the only people in the house were Younghoon, his little brother Taehoon, and few butlers and maids.

Taehoon is around the same age as Chanseo, only being a month younger. He was very sporty and popular, which doesn't make him that much different from his brother. The boy was also very charming, and makes girls swoon for him.

Younghoon enters the kitchen and sits down at the dining table. One of the butlers named Taehyung walks over and sits next to the younger. He notices the boy's behavior and stays quiet for a bit before speaking.

"What's wrong Hoon?"


"Don't lie to me, I've known you for a long time."

Taehyung became a butler at the age of 10 since he needed money to support his family. The male actually became a somewhat father figure to Younghoon and the younger looked up to him a lot.

"Ok fine something's wrong." He pauses for bit and then continues, "So you know the boy I was dating, Ji Changmin?" Taehyung nods, "well, he broke up with me because I made out with another boy."

"Oh my, I wonder why?" The gray haired said sarcastically. Younghoon lightly punches him and continues, "I didn't want to kiss him, but my body said otherwise. However, I still love Changmin..."

"Do you?" Younghoon looks at the older like he's crazy, "Of course I do! Why do you think I dated him?"

"Kim Younghoon, do you know what love is?"

The dark brown haired nods, "Yea it's when a person likes another person romantically."

"There's more to it but you're not wrong. Love is where you have this connection with someone. Is that how you felt with Changmin?"

"Of course I did, why do you think I bullied Chanhee? He took that connection away from me."

"You're missing the point here Hoonie, if you love Changmin, you'll be willing to let go of him for his own happiness."

"Then what's the point of loving someone when they don't want to be with you?!"

"I know you love Changmin, but it seems to me that Changmin likes someone else. And that's ok, you should be happy to know that he found his happiness with someone else."

"But why do we have to put ourselves in this situation!! Why do we have to give ourselves pain when we love someone who doesn't love us back!!" The younger shouts.


"It hurts so god damn much that Changmin gives Chanhee that smile that I love so much! It hurts that I watched the love of my life fall in love with my best friend! Why can't I control my feelings and wish that I never fell in love with him because I knew, even back then, that Ji Changmin would never love me!! But I tried! I made sure he liked me and that he hated Chanhee so that I could experience happiness! But in the end, they still got together. Because they were meant to be! But when will I experience that!" Younghoon screams and tears start to roll down.

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now