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Three Months Later...

Chanhee wakes up from a text he got from his boyfriend.

It was a way for Chanhee to wake up early so that the older can pick the blonde, now pink haired, up at a specific time.

A bunch of things have happened in the course of three months. Well for one thing, Jaehyun convinced the younger to dye his hair since it looked cute on him during halloween. They went as Stitch and Angel and the two temporarily dyed their hair blue and pink. Jaehyun really liked the color on the blonde saying it reminded him of their first date. He soon convinced the boy to dye his hair and Chanhee ended up liking the color.

Another thing is Moonbae. Kevin developed feelings for the older during the months and Jacob gathered up the courage to ask him out. The younger obviously said yes and the two have been dating since October.

Younghoon and Changmin haven't been messing with the two ever since their last meet up. Mainly because Jaehyun has been protecting the pink haired from them, but also because people started to like Chanhee, which made the younger happy.

The Choi family really supported the Jaenew couple and liked Jaehyun for his friendly nature. It was like the whole family had a crush on the male.

Of course we can't forget Eunji and Chanseo. The female recently started to date Youngmi and Chanseo is still too young to date Seungho but he still has feelings for the 9 year old.

The boy has never been so happy in his entire life and now he can live freely, with his boyfriends, best friends, and family.

Chanhee finishes getting ready and heads downstairs. He grabs an apple from the fruit basket and heads for the door.

"Hey where's our goodbyes?" Mrs. Choi jokingly asks.

"Bye!" Chanhee waves and turns the door knob.

"Is Jaehyun taking you to school?" Eunji asks before the younger left.

Chanhee nods and his sister continues, "Good cause I'm not taking the bus."

"Really, who's taking you?"

"Mimi offered to take me to school and it's a two seater."

Mimi was Youngmi's nickname that Eunji calls her. Since the Choi's see the black haired girl often, everyone in the family calls her Mimi.

"Well you should've already known that my lovely boyfriend is picking me up. He has been since we started dating." Chanhee says.

"I was just making sure Chan."

The younger smiles at his sister and waves goodbye at her. He exits his house and walks up to Jaehyun's car.

"Morning babe!" Chanhee shouts as he enters the car. He kisses Jaehyun on the cheek, making the older smile.

"Hey Chan! Did you have a good morning so far?" Jaehyun asks as he starts up the car.

Chanhee nods and reaches over to turn on the radio. The whole drive was in a complete comfortable silence with occasional talks here and there.

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now