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Changmin and the others were patiently waiting in Eric's living room. It was currently 7:00 and Chanhee still hasn't arrived yet.

The pink haired has been gone for an hour and the longer he spent at the party, the more Changmin got worried.

"Do you think Chanhee Hyung is going to come back soon?" Sunwoo asked in a worried tone.

"He should be, but then again, relationship problems take a while to solve. If Chanhee isn't here by 8 then Changmin and I will go and find Chanhee." Juyeon says while eyeing the clock.

It seemed like time was going very slow and and small ticks can be heard from the silence.

The three youngest look at each other and begin to whisper. Finally Eric looks at Juyeon with a strong gaze.

"We wanna go too!" He shouts.

"There's no way we're taking 13 year olds and a 12 year old to a party.

"But Chanhee's our friend too!" Hyunjoon intervenes.

"And? We could get in trouble if we took kids to a place that has alcohol."

"Juyeon, you and Changmin are both 15. That's also bad." Sunwoo says this time while taking a sip of juice.

"But at least we're mature enough. You guys are literal children. It's best you three stay here until we find Chanhee."

The three children make the humph sound and cross their arms, "Fine."

The five awkwardly sit on the sofa and Changmin decides look around the youngest's house.

There were a lot of baby pictures of Eric (probably because the boy is an only child) and flower pots with different types of flowers were decorated around the room. The house also smelled like lavender which pleases the brown haired.

"Wanna watch something on tv while we wait?" Eric suggests.

They all nod and the youngest grabs the remote. He turns on the tv and switches between the channels until they settled on one.

Everyone but Changmin looked like they were relaxed. Or maybe they weren't but they were doing a whole lot better at hiding it than Changmin.

The boy was shaking and his mind constantly thought about Chanhee. He wanted to be by the older's side and protect him in case anything bad happened.

He feels like everything was his fault and that he should receive a huge punishment for it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The five weren't expecting anyone to arrive so they all looked at each other in confusion.

Eric walks over and opens the door, "Um, hello?"

Changmin shifts his body so that he could get a better look. He saw Sangyeon standing on the doorway, looking like he ran a marathon.

"Is Chanhee here?" He asks after he caught his breath.

"No, sorry. Who are you?"

"I'm Chanhee's friend, Lee Sangyeon. Are you perhaps Eric Sohn?"

The youngest slowly nods and the eldest continues to talk, "Kevin said that Chanhee should be here."

Changmin stands up and walks over to the two, "He was here but he left to Jiwon's party."

Sangyeon's eyes go wide, "Oh no."

"What's wrong? Why do you need Chanhee hyung?"

"Changmin I need you to come with me to Jiwon's party..."

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now