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Chanhee's eyes flutter open as the sun rays hit his eyes. He sits up and looks around the living room where he was currently staying at.

Nothing much happened the day prior, once the boys arrived, they texted their families about staying the night at Eric's and Chanhee fell asleep on the couch.

He didn't know that Changmin would sleep on the other sofa with him. He just assumed the younger was take the guest bedroom with Sangyeon.

The pink haired admires Changmin's sleeping face and awes at the younger who pouts in his sleep.

Chanhee stretches before getting up and looks for the kitchen. He didn't really eat anything at all the past day, other than breakfast, and his stomach was growling like crazy.

After wondering around a bit, he finally finds the kitchen. The pink haired saw Eric and Juyeon eating cereal while talking about something.

"Morning guys..." Chanhee groggily says. The two say morning back and continue their conversation.

"Rude." The boy looks for the cereal and pours himself a bowl. Instead of eating at the kitchen and feeling like a third wheeler, Chanhee decided to eat in the living room and hope he doesn't get in trouble.

This was the first time Chanhee was visiting Eric's house, yet he looked like he lived there or at least been there multiple times. He even tried to look for the remote but sadly couldn't find it.

"I should get going..." Chanhee thought while taking a spoonful of cereal. It's been a day since Chanhee's been at the house and his family is waiting for him.

"Maybe when I finish this cereal?"

Chanhee looks at the sofa Changmin was sleeping in and sees the younger stir in his sleep. The brown haired's eyes slowly flutter open and he groans while clutching his head.

"Morning Kyu."

Changmin looks at Chanhee and smiles, "Morning Nyu."

"Does your head hurt?"

Changmin nods and sits up, "I guess it's from the smell of the alcohol, but don't worry I'll be fine. It should go away soon."

Chanhee nods and continues to eat cereal. The younger continues to talk, "So is everyone still asleep."

"Eric and Juyeon are flirting in the kitchen and I don't know what happened to Sangyeon, Sunwoo, and Hyunjoon."

Changmin sighs and puts his hands on his stomach, "I'm hungry."

"Go get some cereal then."

"I don't want to witness Juric flirting."


"Their ship name."

Chanhee makes the Ah sound and looks down at the bowl of cereal, "If you want you can have some of my cereal."

Changmin stands up and sits next to the older, "But there's only one spoon."

"And?" Changmin was going to question further but Chanhee shut him up by spoon feeding him.

The younger blushes by the action and looks away. Chanhee smiles, "Aw, look how cute you are!"

"Stop it..."

Chanhee smiles and pinches the older's cheeks, "how about no?"

Chanhee's contagious smile makes the younger smile as well. He liked happy Chanhee more than sad Chanhee, and he doesn't want to see sad Chanhee ever again.

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now