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"HE DID WHAT?!?!" Kevin shouts through the phone. Chanhee had to pull the device away from his ear because the older was so goddamn loud.

"He-He kissed me..."

"And what did you do?"

"Kiss back what else would I do?" Chanhee says as he tries hard not to blush."

"Oh my god, will Choi Chanhee finally win the one he loves?"

"I don't know? Changmin apologized as soon as we broke apart and left the room."

"He did what?!?"

"Maybe I wasn't a good kisser..."

"But he's kissed you plenty before?"

"We were 5 Kev. 5 year olds aren't good at kissing and they don't care if you're a bad kisser."

"I guess you have a point there...maybe you should talk to Changmin and ask him what that was all about..."

"I don't know...maybe?"

"Anyways, it's 12:00, you should go home now or Eunji will beat the crap out of you..."

"Yea yea...bye kev."

"Bye Chan."

The older hangs up and Chanhee gets out of bed. He sees his clothes neatly folded on the bedside table and grabs it so that he could change.

He looks around the room which was filled with photo's of Changmin. Maybe he should change in the bathroom?

A couple of minutes later, Chanhee comes out of the bathroom with the outfit he wore the past day. He also sprayed a little bit of Changmin's cologne so that he wouldn't smell.

As he enters the kitchen, he sees Mrs. Ji making pancakes for breakfast and Changmin was casually sitting on the table while looking at his phone.

The brown haired looks up and as soon as he sees the older, he blushes. He looks the other way and goes back on his phone.

Chanhee noticed the weird behavior but just shrugs. He sits down across from the younger and grabs his own phone. He checks if he has any texts or missed calls, but the young boy doesn't have any notification's at all.

Mrs. Ji places a plate of stacked pancakes on the table and the boys quickly grab one.

"You two must be hungry," She says adding a giggle to the end.

The three begin eating and Mrs. Ji decides to start a conversation. She turns to the pink haired and asks Chanhee about his family.

"So I heard that your mother had another child!"

"Yep, his name is Choi Chanseo and he's 8 years old."

"Oh my he's really young..."

"But he's smart for his age." Changmin says while biting into a piece of pancake.

"Yep, and he still acts like a baby..."

"He's actually the reason why Chanhee and I became close again."

"So he's the boy I should thank?" She says jokingly.

The two nod and continue to eat their pancakes. Suddenly, a phone buzzes and Mrs. Ji checks her phone.

"Oh darn, I have to go...I forgot to give my boss my report and it's due today. I'll be back later so please lock the door if you leave Changmin..."

The youngest nods and she kisses his forehead, "I love you, oh and also, bye Chanhee, tell your mom I said hi."

The pink haired nods and Ms. Ji leaves the house. There was an awkward silence and the two looked at each other.

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now