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Both Chanhee and Changmin's eyes go wide. They look at each other from across the room and glare at one another.

Chanhee's hand immediately goes up and he speaks, "I want a different partner!"

"Yea I do too!" Changmin shouts after the older.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Apparently fate chose you two to be together."

"He's the last person I want to be with! I'd rather take Minho than him. And we both know Minho doesn't do his work!" Chanhee complains.

"And I'd take Seungkwan even though all he ever does is gossip about random stuff." Changmin adds.

The two mentioned males look at the boys and glare at them. The pink haired and the brown haired look back and smile apologetically.

"Why do you two hate each other so much?" The teacher asks.

"Because Chanhee is crazy in love with me and he hates my boyfriends guts."

"I am not in love with you and Younghoon is a selfish bitch so it's kinda easy to hate him!!" The pink haired isn't one to swear but he was really pissed off so it just came out naturally.

"See! That's why I don't want to partner up with him. Plus he's super annoying!"

"And he's whiny!"

"Enough! Look it wouldn't be fair to the other kids if you two switched partners. Both of you are going to be partners whether you like it or not! Now stop acting like 5 year olds and start your work!"

Chanhee crosses his arms and stands up. He angrily walked over to brown haired's desk and pulls up a chair.

Changmin looks away from the older and places his head on the palm of his hand.

The pink haired glares at the younger and checks his phone for project ideas.

A couple of minutes later, Changmin hears something slam on his desk and he looks at what it was.

He sees a picture on Chanhee's phone that showed a human brain project, "We're going to do this. Come to my house at 4pm got that?" He said with a stone cold face.

Changmin nods without looking at the older, "Whatever."

Chanhee scoffs and walks away from the brown haired. He decides to chill out with Kevin and Jungwoo until class ends.


Jaehyun walks down the hall after 6th period and looks for Chanhee.

The younger would usually be at his locker at this time but the pink haired was nowhere in sight.

Jaehyun decides to wait for him and pulls out his phone. He was about to text Chanhee when he suddenly heard his name.


The said male turns around and sees Younghoon walk up to him.

The younger glares at the male and starts to walk away."

"Don't walk away from me! I need to talk to you." Younghoon shouts.

Jaehyun takes a deep breath and turns around, "This better be quick, Chanhee's probably looking for me."

"Your boyfriend can wait..." Younghoon pauses a bit before speaking, "What I wanna know is why you're dating Chanhee in the first place."

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now