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Christmas is around the corner, but at this point, that wasn't what Chanhee and Changmin were looking forward to. They were looking forward to the day they made a promise.

December 28th will mark 10 years since Chanhee waited.

Its crazy to believe that Chanhee has waited a decade for Changmin. 10 years of hell and being single, Chanhee can't believe it either.

Of course, Changmin needed to be reminded and sometimes Chanhee forgot too, but thanks to the pink haired's diary, they'll always remember when the couple met.

Now all they need to wait for is their marriage and their promise is complete...

Chanhee was on his way to Seoul one day, but this time, it wasn't because of Changmin.

The older would always visit the brown haired in Seoul some days, and on others, Changmin would visit the pink haired.

Those are the days Chanseo loves because he would always rub it in their faces that he made the couple happen, and they would usually include him in stuff.

Anyways, Chanhee exits the train and waits for the bus. Once the vehicle arrives, Chanhee enters and later arrived at his destination, which was Eric's pastry shop.

He enters the building and looks for a specific person. Once he spots him, he walks over and sits down across from the male, with his arms crossed.

"Kim Younghoon..." the younger said with a cold tone.

Why is Chanhee meeting with Younghoon you may ask? Well, the older contacted him (he found his number by Jaehyun) and asked him to meet at Eric's pastry shop so that they could talk.

"Hey Chan..."

The waiter comes by and takes their order. When he walks away, Younghoon looks at Chanhee with sorrow in his eyes, "I missed you..."

"Well I didn't..."

"Look, I'm really sorry..."

"Is that all you're going to tell me? Because I might as well leave right now..."

"Chanhee can't you just accept my apology?"

"Do you think a simple sorry will cover up everything you did to me? You made my life a living hell! Because of you, I almost committed suicide, and I would be dead if Jaehyun didn't save me! Do you think a sorry would cover that up?!?!"

"Ok, I admit I'm an asshole and a bitch and every other swear word to come. I don't know why but I just seem to make everything worse!"

"Why? Why did you hurt and hate me? I understand that I took Changmin away from you but don't you think everything you did to me was worse and horrible?!?"

"It's because I was jealous!"

Chanhee looks at Younghoon surprised, "Jealous? Why would you be jealous of me when you're rich and popular?"

"Money doesn't buy you a happy family...I'm jealous about how you have a father to look up to, a mother to love you, and a sister to take care of you...I wanted all of those things.

My mom doesn't pay attention to me like your mom does you! The only father figure I have is my butler, and even Taehoon and I aren't close like Chanseo is to you."

Chanhee was about to ask Younghoon how he knew the pink haired had a younger brother, but stayed quiet and wanted to listen more.

"That week I spent at your house...it was amazing! I wanted to live there and be treated like I was apart of the family. I even found love at your house! But when you met him and he fell for you...I guess I was jealous how your family reacted. They never payed attention to how I clung onto him, but they noticed how he was hugging you. They called you two boyfriends even though I was there first...

I guess I was like you and never forgot Changmin. But then when I saw Changmin arrive back in Seoul, I realized how I can take someone you love, and turn them into mine. I guess all of that jealousy got into me. The feelings I had for him came back and I was in love with him again.

I was selfish...really, really selfish. But I want to make things right again. I now know that I don't like Changmin anymore and I won't take him away from you because I like someone else." Younghoon smiles upon thinking of a specific brown haired male.

"I'm really sorry Chanhee, and I mean it. I don't expect you to like me after this but please don't hate me...even if you don't like me, at least don't hate me. I just want us to be neutral, not friends, nor enemies, just neutral."

As soon as Younghoon finishes, the food arrives and Chanhee takes a moment to think.

When the waiter leaves, Chanhee finally speaks to the older, "There were moments where I missed us, y'know, being friends, and I wished we would be back to how we were...I'm not accepting your apology, nor am I rejecting it. I want us to be friends again, but I'm going to need space from you for a while and let time heal. Then I'll go to you and we can start over. But for now, I want to eat my food in silence..."

Younghoon nods and begins to take a bite out of a piece of cheesecake. Chanhee takes a bite out of his own and the two look at each other then look away.

"Ok never mind, let's talk because this silence is killing me..."


"So, you have a younger brother?"

"Yup, his name is Taehoon...he's Chanseo's age, only a month younger, so I knew about your brother from him."

"I would like to meet him one day..."

"And I would like to meet Chanseo one day."

"I'll show you to him but most of the time he's drooling over some boy."

"He sounds a lot like you..."

Chanhee throws a crumpled up napkin at the older and the black haired laughs.

"Hey, promise me something?" Younghoon asks.

"I've made a lot of promises...but continue."

"Take care of Changmin for me."

"I will...if you take care of Jaehyun for me."

"How did you-" "I'm friends with Juyeon."

Younghoon makes the Ah sound and smiles at the younger, "He doesn't know that I like him...but I'm planning on confessing soon."

"Please do, he needs someone in his life."

"I'm sorry about kissing him at the party. I really didn't want to but something inside of me disagreed."

"It's ok, because of you, I got closer to Changmin."

The two finish their food and go to the cashier to pay.

"I'll pay for your food Chan. It was my treat."

Chanhee wasn't even going to complain because he loves free food.

As they exit the pastry shop, Younghoon turns to the younger, "You wanna go shopping?"

"Sure, I can look for a new outfit."

The two walk to the nearest clothes store and enter the building. Chanhee looks around and goes to the shirts section.

Younghoon follows behind and looks at some shirts that would suit the younger.

As Chanhee was looking at some plain t-shirts, someone tapped the younger on the shoulder.

Chanhee didn't recognize the person but the person knew the pink haired, "Are you the same dude who was looking at skirts?"

Chanhee turns a deep shade of red, "Crap, I forgot all about that video."

Chanhee was about to respond but Younghoon beat him to it, "He was actually buying that for his sister...now if you mention anything about that video ever again, I will track you down and send some people to fight you. Okay, have a good day!" The black haired smiles and drags the younger away from him.

"Wow, thanks Hoonie." Chanhee says while giggling.

"No problem, that video was old anyways."

The pink haired smiles at the older and the black haired returns the smile.

It's nice to have an old friend back...

The Days I've Waited for You {c.ch + j.cm}Where stories live. Discover now