XXII - The International Flight

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The next day came and I have to wake up early at five in the morning. The delayed flight manager gave us the seven-o'clock flight to Washington. So I ready myself, took everything I used in the bathroom and packed all my things before the bus came in the hotel.

I packed everything and everything, I mean, my passport and everything that matters to me. I also got my report card, my achievement awards and my diploma. Then I took a bath and wore my best clothes for the day. Then I packed all my dirty clothes and decided to wash them when I arrived at Washington.

After a few minutes, the bus valet knocked on the door and offered to carry my bag to the bus. I let him in, realizing that he's one of the airline's bus driver, and he took my bag. We walked out from the room and head to the elevator. I looked at the alley and noticed all passengers checked in on the floor walked out with their valets.

Then we head to the bus and all passengers with the same flight walked inside the bus. The driver drove the bus back to NAIA Terminal 2 and we boarded the plane when we get there. The runway is very slippery, due to the watery holes around the runway, but the flight will never be block with the watery holes.

Finally, the airplane moved to the end of the runway before the plane ran around the runway and flew. It was the first time I ride an airplane or anything that flies in the air up so high. I can believe that I escaped the fact that I always faint and feels a little bit sick when I ride on something that was new to me.

I looked at my wrist watch and noticed it's almost eight. I remembered the encoded time of flying from the ticket and noticed it'll take twenty hours and fifty minutes to reach Washington. No huss, no fuss. Just going straight to Washington. So I took my headphones from my pocket, plugged the phones to my ears and listened to the music of the century.

Then, a couple of minutes later, I felt asleep. Asleep in a sense that I've got a little sleep last night and been tired for a whole day yesterday. I've been doing some thinking of what I'm gonna expect on Washington when I arrived there. But, a couple of minutes after that, I'm thinking of living with my aunt, with her family and with my cousins, or living with myself.

I woke up and looked at the window and noticed it's night. I looked around and noticed the lights on the sides of the plane is lit and all passengers are eating dinner on their seats. They're having their own dinner while I looked at the attendant. I took the headphones from my ears and looked at the flight attendant smiled at me, with her trolley of food goods on her back.

"Good evening, sir!" she smiled. "What are you having for dinner?"

I leaned at the trolley and noticed she's having a plate of something. I didn't know what she's having on that plate that has a metal cover on it. So I leaned back and looked at the beautiful lady.

"What's your menu for the flight?" I asked back.

"We have a plate of Roast Beef, Roast Chicken, Pasta Carbonara, Spaghetti Meatballs, Roast Crab, Rack of Lamb, Crab Cakes, a Pepperoni Pizza and a bowl of Fried Meatballs with a cup French Fries, and also a Fish and Chips. For the dessert, we have Macaroni Salad, Lemon Cake, Banana Pie, Banana Bread, Spice Cake, Strawberry Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Fondue, Strawberry Fondue, Mango Pie, Coconut Cake and a slice of Carrot Soup."

"And for the drinks?" I asked.

"And the drinks, we have fruit juices just like Lemon Juice Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, Ponkan Juice, Calamansi Juice, and Peach Juice. And, if you like strong drinks, we have Plain Vodka, Vodka Martini, Margarita, Bloody Mary, Red and White Wine, and a James Bond."

I looked at the trolley again and decided for my course for the night.

"Okay." I said to the stewardess. "I'll have a plate of Roast Chicken, Pepperoni Pizza, Fish and Chips, a slice of Banana Pie, a slice of Chocolate Cake, a glass of Vodka Martini and a glass of Orange Juice, please."

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