XXXVI - The One Who Shook My World Out

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Somewhere in London, that's in United Kingdom, Erick's home town when this happened. I heard that the British people have some good standards in terms of meddling with men. They like boys who really an okay for their standards and they really do what they shall do to make the man or woman like them in return. They really do whatever it takes even they lose their dignity, especially their virginity.

But someone who is really a die-hard fan of our band. She's really in the crowd since Day 1 of our concert tour until the last concert. She even sent a bouquet each time she attended our concert. She's making herself as the number one fan of our band and she really like me. I asked Erick about and he immediately asked her to join us on our bus.

"Hi!!" she gladly said as she walk at that same chair, looking at me and the boys. "I'm Ana, twenty, and an avid fan of your band!!"

She's a British, alright, like Erick's tone used to be. A young, innocent and good girl came from London. She's actually twenty at the moment and I can see her beautiful face on our faces. She's a bit shy, her blondness immediately came in front and she really like our band so much, by the smile of gladness on her face.

I gave the woman my hand for a handshake and smiled. "I'm Alex" I said at her. "I'm the creator of this band and the lead vocals of the band. And also the lead guitarist too."

The woman lend her right hand to me and we shook hands. "Nice to meet you." she said at me.

The boys do followed and also shook the woman's hand. Then they sat back to their sofa and enjoyed Ana's company. In this tour, we invited Ana for a ride so she won't spend a money for our tour. She'll be our guest for this ride and she felt happy to my decision. She always looked at me while the ride is still on board and she can't even take an eye off of me.

So I stood up, sat next to her while the boys are having fun in playing some poker, and looked at her. She looked like Aprielle with a little bit of Holly though she's not either them. She had a sweet smile that can move a single man heart away, like Aprielle's, and a pretty and innocent face, just like Holly's. And the first heart that been carried away is my lonely and already-moved heart.

As the bus is still moving towards our next destination for our concert tour, I looked at Ana and she seemed frightened after thirteen minutes, still looking at me at her side. I looked at her and smiled.

"Why are you so shy at this moment?" I asked her. "Awhile ago, you're so competent and very true on the words you said. And you're acting like a shy kid this time."

Ana looked at me again and I can see her cheeks are a little bit blush. "I-I-It's just..." she nervously said. "It's just because you sit next to me, I guess."

I chuckled at her and smiled. "Why?" I asked again. "Do you think I'll bite you or suck your blood like a vampire?"

"Yes." she replied.

"I'm just here to have a better chat than my friends did. I'm sorry for them with their childish acts. They never saw a lady like you in this past few years. They've been busy in their other works. I'm also too busy to recognize and ask girls for a date."

"What are they doing these past few days?"

"Erick is busy in making transactions with other bankers as well as introducing their newest additional investment jobs with corporations. He's the current manager of a bank in DC and he's very good in handling these jobs. Vincent is a History professor at University of Phoenix in Washington and became one of the co-founders of the Crustacean Period. His co-professors are so proud on his discovery and they immediately gave him recognition with this discovery.

"Danny is an ophthalmologist at Howard University Hospital in Washington. He's currently treatng some young patients who were impaired in eyesight and currently been awarded as the most outstanding ophthalmologist in this last two years."

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