XXXVII - The Proposal

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I held Ana on my arms and put her in the bedroom. I took her heels from her feet and put her feet on the bedroom. I put my right hand on her forehead, the right side of her neck and her right cheek and felt the fever around her. And her fever is about forty degrees. And got a seizure.

I walked out from the guest room and shouted for Ana's mother.

"Mrs. Stale!!!" I shouted. "Mrs. Stale!!!!'

Mrs. Stale immediately ran to the guestroom and looked at me with worried face.

"What's the matter, son?" she asked.

"Ana's got a seizure." I replied at her.

Mrs. Stale looked at the bedroom and saw Ana lying on the bed. She walked inside, walked to the bed and checked Ana's forehead, cheeks and necks. And she found that I'm right.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked.

"We'll take her to a hospital and get her cured." Mrs. Stale replied. "Take her for me."


I took Ana from the bed and had her in my arms, on a lover's carry position. I and Mrs. Stale walked downstairs and immediately head to Mrs. Stale's '97 Chevrolet Venture minivan good for all family.

"Do you drive?" Mrs. Stale asked.

I looked at Mrs. Stale and smiled. "Yes." I replied. "I'm a good driver in Washington."

Then Mrs. Stale threw the car keys to me. I caught the keys and we head inside the car. I put Ana on the back seat and Mrs. Stale stayed with her in the back seat. I walked inside the driver's seat and immediately drove the van to the nearest hospital.

Mrs. Stale told me where to go, the fastest route to the hospital, and told me some information about London. After having the information, Mrs. Stale looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"So what do you work in Washington, Alex?" she asked.

"I'm working as a detective for Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC in weekdays." I replied. "And a band member in weekends."

"Oh!" she surprised. "What band do you play with?"

"AVED." I replied.

"The band that Ana loved?"

"I think so. Does she mentioned us?"

"Yeah. All the time."

"She really likes our music, didn't she?"

"From the tone on what she told me, yes." Mrs. Stale looked at the window on her right and suddenly looked at back at me. "And she really like you."

"Oh, yeah? She also mentioned that to me when I kidnapped her on our bus."

"Yeah. She told me that you asked her to go with you and your band on your bus."

"I just noticed her in the crowd wherever we have a gig. That's why I asked her to go with us."

"So that's why."

Then a moment of silence came and the traffic built up three blocks away from the hospital. I stopped the van and waited for the stoplight to go green.

"Tell me, boy," Mrs. Stale suddenly broke up the silence. "does it have a chance that you fall in love with Ana?"


"How much do you love her?"

"As big as my whole career, my whole world and my whole life."

"You really love her so much, don't you?"

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