1 digit

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Oh my god, Aislin, please tell me you watched BTS's performance on the MMA! Our boys are killing it! 

Good lord, I thought I was going to die when Jin came out on that giant horse. The boy looked hot as shit!!

Seriously bitch, why aren't you answering?  

Hah! Lemme guess, you watched, and you died when Namjoon started rapping, didn't you?


Um.. this isn't Aislin.


Oh shit. I am so sorry. Evidently, your number is one digit different than hers.


 It's ok. So, you like BTS, I take it?


Hah! Who doesn't? Those men have more talent in their pinkies than my entire company combined! 


Haha! They are pretty talented. They work hard, though; it doesn't all come naturally to them. I'm assuming by your previous text that you have a thing for Jin?


Ugh, god, yes. His smile, those eyes, the fact that he can cook since I suck at it, even his stupid dad jokes are just hilarious and adorable to me. And the way he takes care of the rest of the group, especially the maknaes. He's a real man, what's not to like about him?


 That's a lot of love for someone you've never met before. 


Bold of you to assume I've never met him. I've actually spoken to him twice at fan meets. He's incredibly kind to Army. He isn't just this vain guy who is all about how gorgeous he is. 


Wow ok. Calm down there. It's cool how much you support him, though. Most fans I hear of are all about how much they ship the guys together or how they want to marry Jungkook or Taehyung. Nice to see someone who isn't all about that.


Oh well. I'd husband him real quick if that chance ever came along, but I'm realistic enough to know it won't, so why obsess over it? But thanks. I'd like to think that the majority of Army thinks this way. 

I mean, yeah, you do have those obsessed Army fans who stalk the airports and whatnot eager for a glimpse of the guys. I'm eager too, but they are still people, ya know. They deserve respect too.

Anyways, sorry to drone on and on. I should probably check on Aislin to make sure she's still alive after that performance. Have a good night!

 Have a good night!

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