Overdue Conversation

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Angie's words

Hobi's words


Hey Hobi.

Hey. Why aren't you having fun with the others?

I was. I um, I came to my room to talk to you. I wondered why you didn't come too. The other said you and Yoongi were in your studios, but I just sort of figured, maybe...

Oh. Uh yeah, I've been super busy with work. Having trouble with this song arrangement, so I wanted to keep plugging away at it. 

Oh. (sigh) Damnit, Hobi, did you not show up because you're avoiding me? Because this really sucks. I miss how we used to talk and joke with each other. I thought we were getting to be good friends, and then you practically disappear on me. 

Joon watches her look down at the floor, her free hand playing with the hem of her shirt. He reaches over and grabs her hand, holding it for support, nodding at her when she looks up at him.

Hobi, I have to confess something, and please let me get it out before you say anything back. I like you. Yeah, I know how you feel about the age gap, but there it is. To me, the age isn't really that big of a deal. It's not like I'm 17 or anything; we're both legal. And at this point, there's nothing to lose for me even saying it since it's not like you're really talking to me anymore anyway. But if you don't feel the same, just tell me.

I.. um.. shit. I didn't know you felt this way. I like you, but I'm not what you need, Angie. 

Not what I need. I see. And what exactly do I need, Hoseok?

Joon watches her eyes spark with fire when she glances up at him, her face tightening and tinging red with anger, and he's suddenly delighted he isn't on the receiving end of her anger.

Angie, you are one of the nicest, friendliest people I've ever had the joy of knowing. The way you go through life, trying to always look on the positive even though you've been through more than most people. You deserve someone who has the time to show you how beautiful and amazing you are. Someone who can be there for you every day, shower you with gifts and their time. I'm not it. I don't have that time. We're always busy; we rarely have a day to ourselves.

Hoseok, do me a favor and just shut up. I'm 36 damn years old, and I don't want this prince charming you seem to think I need. I don't want someone up my ass all day, every day. I want someone who is going to value the time they DO have with me. I don't want to be showered with gifts. I want someone who is going to shower me with love. But you know what, that's fine. You're right; I have been through some shit in my life, and it has taught me to value myself and what I'm worth. And because of that, I refuse to grovel or beg. If you don't want to be with me, that's fine. Now, I have to go because many people DO think I'm worth their time, and I'm going to spend it with them.

Joon watches her sadly as she hangs up the phone, tightening his hand around hers. 

"Can I have a few minutes to myself, Joon? I need some time before I go back in there with the others." She looks up at him, mustering up a small grin, but he can see the tears gathering in her eyes before she looks away.

"Yeah. I'll tell the others that you had an important call to make or something, and you'll be back in a few. Angie? I love him like a brother, but you're right." He squeezes her hand one last time before leaving the room, shutting the door quietly before going back to the others.


Namjoon walks back into the room, looking at Kookie, who had taken his seat. Jungkook quickly gets up so his hyung can sit back down on the couch, looking at him curiously. Joon just shakes his head lightly, hoping Jungkook won't ask any questions. "Angie will be back in a few minutes. She had a phone call to make."

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