Someone New

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Jessamine: Hobi-ssi?  How important is age?

J-Ho:  There's only three years difference between you and Jin; it's fine.

Jessamine: No, no, how important is age to YOU?

J-Ho:  Sorry Jessa, you're Jin hyungs girl. I mean, you're gorgeous and all, but I'm not messing with that.

Jessamine: Omg, no. If you were to be interested in a girl, how old is too old for you? 

J-Ho: Oh! Too old? Well, ideally, maybe 3-4 years. Why do you ask?

Jessamine: No reason...

J-Ho: Obviously, there is a reason. Wait... Why am I in your phone as J-Ho? Seriously, am I that bad?

Jessamine: *giggle* Yeah, you're rude as shit when you dance dude. But no. My co-worker is super awesome and amazing. And you're her bias and all... She's actually the one that got me into your music! Oh man, I totally owe her one... maybe I should buy her lunch or something as a thank you.. or maybe a text from her favorite member...

J-Ho: Jessa.. are you pimping me out? 

Jessamine: I don't consider a text "pimping you out," just an excellent thank you! But it's cool. I can buy her lunch or something; it's cool :)

J-Ho: (sigh) What's her number, Jessa. And you so owe me for this. 

Jessamine: No, no, it's ok, seriously. It was just a wild idea. How's practice going? Wait, are you even at practice? OMG, am I interrupting practice?!

J-Ho: If I say no, will you give me your friend's number?

Jessamine: Why Hobi, that was a snarky comment, well, snarky for you. Have you been hanging around Yoongi again?

J-Ho: Oppa. And maybe.

Jessamine: Dude, he's not here. I'm not calling him Oppa. He's just plain Yoongi. And I'm going to assume that's a yes.

J-Ho: He's right here. And he said Oppa again.

Now, will you give me your friend's number, or do I need to have Yoongi hyung text you?

Jessamine: Fine, fine.. here it is.  Hi Oppa! :) :)  Bye Oppa! Thanks, Hobi-ssi!!!


WWH: Hello Princess. I'm here!

Princess: I wondered where you had wandered off too

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Princess: I wondered where you had wandered off too.

Omg seriously. You have me in your phone... grrrr. 

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