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Unknown: Hello jigaya

Jessamine: Uh... who the shit are you?

Unknown: Taehyung. Angie gave me your number.

Jessamine: She is so dead. Hi Tae

TaeTae: Aww, don't kill her. She's amusing. 

So I hear I'm your wrecker.

Jessamine: And that is why she must die.

Yes, you are. 

TaeTae: Aww, please, please don't murder her. 
Wait. If you do, though, that means you have to talk to me more :)

Jessamine: Um yeah, that's not going to work on me. I've spoken to Yoongi. Do you really think your charm is going to make me crumble?

TaeTae: So you think I'm charming :) :)

Jessamine: Dude, I said you were charming

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Jessamine: Dude, I said you were charming. I didn't say I was blind. And I prefer this picture:

TaeTae: That one, really?  But I'm so

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TaeTae: That one, really?  But I'm so... not done up.

Jessamine: I know. That's why I like it. You're real and normal. You're not putting on a show for everyone else; you're just you. It's awesome.

TaeTae: Wow... Jin is lucky. 

Jessamine: Eh?  How so?

TaeTae: It feels like we always have to be "on" when it comes to our fans. So much of what we do, we do with them in mind. It's hard to find someone who is happy with us just being us. You don't want or expect us to be anything other than we who are is refreshing. 

So he's super lucky you messed up and got his number instead of mine. 

Jessamine: Wow. ...Um, I have no idea what to say to that. Thank you?

TaeTae: I originally did this because Angie asked me to.....

Jessamine: Yeah, I figured that.

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