A little payback

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Jins Wife: Angie, I need advice. I fucked up.

Hopes Angel: What happened? Are you ok? DO you need bail money?

Jins Wife: What the shit!? No, it isn't that bad.. well, at least not law-breaking bad. And what the hell is with people changing my name??

Hopes Angel: I could ask you the same. "Hopes Angel"? Really?

And ok, what's going on then?

Jins Wife: Well, to be fair, your name literally translates to "Angel," and you're talking to Hobi-san. So yeah. Sooo I messed up with Jin. He hasn't responded to any of my texts for 2 days.

Hopes Angel: We'll talk about the Hobi thing later. What happened for Jin to get all butthurt and stop talking to you?

Jins Wife: Weeeelll, long story short, we were talking, he asked if we were ever gonna meet up, I said idk because of crazy sasaengs and paparazzi, and I might have mentioned how I like my nice quiet life. He told me he was getting called to practice and left. Yoongi immediately messaged me asking what was going on and how Jin just got up and left the room all upset, and how it was their freaking FREE DAY, so he WASNT getting called to practice. He lied to me!

Hopes Angel: Oh Jessa. Did you really say that?

You hurt him, babe. Even Hobi has mentioned how much Jin likes you. Shit, Tae and Jimin said the same thing, girl. You need to fix this.

Jins Wife: Wait. Back up. Tae and Jimin!? Even I haven't spoken to Tae and Jimin. 

Hopes Angel: Ok, miss "Yoongi messaged me." Hobi told me all about the chat with you two, Yoongi and Kook. Who else have you been talking to?

Jins Wife:...... Namjoonie...

Hopes Angel: Whoa whoa whoa bitch. You've been talking to Joon and didn't tell me!??!?!

 You've been talking to Joon and didn't tell me!??!?!

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Jins Wife: In my defense. He messaged me!

Hopes Angel: But you didn't tell me! 

Jins Wife: Omg, seriously? You've been talking to Hobi. Not to mention you've spoken to Tae and Jimin, and I haven't. Besides, totally not the point right now. What do I do about Jin?

Hopes Angel: You really haven't spoken to Tae or Jimin yet? 

Jins Wife: No, I haven't. And while I'm sure they are great, they aren't this guy:

 And while I'm sure they are great, they aren't this guy:

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