A night with the boys

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Angie's POV

You could feel eyes on you, and if you had to hazard a guess, you figured it was either Tae or Hobi. Oh well, let them look; you didn't care anymore. You made yourself comfy on the couch, discussing studio setups with Namjoon and Yoongi, genuinely interested in what they did, even if you didn't fully understand it. It was enlightening how passionate those two got when it came to discussing producing their music. Namjoons hands would fly all over the place as he spoke, and Yoongi's normally blank face would light up with emotions. It was beautiful, actually.

You feel a tap on your arm and look over your shoulder, seeing Jimin holding another Sprite for you. You smile up at him, and he grins back down at you. "I saw you were out, but you were so engrossed in your conversation."

"Thank you, Jiminie" He flashes you his beautiful smile before sitting back down opposite you on the floor next to Tae, who is staring at you, unblinking and completely focused. Thankfully Jimin slaps him on the arm to get his attention, and he looks away, letting you go back to your conversation with Joonie and Yoongi.

A few hours pass, and by this time, Jungkook is completely passed out on Hobi, who is staring at his phone with a despondent look on his face. Your eyes stray over to see Jessa asleep on Jin, his hands slowly stroking through her hair as he looks down at her like he is the happiest guy around. And maybe he is. You are so happy for her but can't help but feel envious at the same time. You excuse yourself to find the restroom, needing a few moments to compose yourself.

You lean against the vanity, looking at yourself in the mirror, critiquing everything you see. Straight black hair that hits about mid-back, green eyes that are nothing special. A round face, soft body. Well, you do have a dimple and lashes that are long but sadly are covered by your glasses. Your lips are ok you guess; you had gotten envious comments from people when you used to do makeup lives on your web page. You'll never be a model, but you aren't ugly, so you guess that's something in your favor. Shaking off the negativity, you open the door and run smack into a solid chest. You feel hands grip your arms so you don't fall back, and you slide your gaze up a well-built chest, a neck that you never realized was so masculine and well sexy, a chiseled jawline, a smirky grin, and eyes that look at you with a gaze that is bordering on indecent.

"You've been ignoring me, Noona." His deep voice rumbles, and you can feel the vibrations against you since you are still standing so close together.

"Not ignoring, just talking to others." You try hard not to blush, your eyes locked onto his, unable to look away. His lips purse in contemplation.

"Well, when are you going to talk to me?"

"I guess right now is as good a time as any. And we do need to talk Tae, preferably somewhere quiet so that we won't be interrupted." 

"I couldn't agree more." His eyes turn dark and stormy as he grabs your hand, leading you further down the hallway to his room, ushering you inside, and shutting the door. You turn to face him, and his entire demeanor changes, once again becoming his normal happy, exuberant Tae you are used to seeing in videos. The sudden change leaving you with a feeling of whiplash. He grins his beautiful boxy grin at you, hurrying forward to give you a hard hug before pulling away and dancing around. "How is Noona today?"

"What the shit was that? How could your entire personality change so quickly?"

He aims that devastating grin your way and laughs. "That? That was Hobi hyung following behind me, and I wanted to see him squirm. You're beautiful, Noona, but you're right. It wouldn't work with us. I'm the sort that needs attention, while you're perfectly fine going days without seeing people. And that's amazing, don't get me wrong, but yeah, it wouldn't work. So I decided that I'm going to help you and hyung!"

Your eyes widen in surprise, your mouth forming a little O in shock. "Oh. That's great, and all, Tae, but Hobi isn't interested in a relationship; we spoke about it. Thank you though, it really means a lot that you want to help."

He waves off your response, "No, no. Hyung does like you, and he does want a relationship. He's just scared." He walks towards you, resting his hands on your shoulders, and crouches down a little bit, so you're at eye level. "Noona, he would be lucky to have you. And if he's too stupid to realize it, then you deserve someone who will know. I'm leaning towards Joonie hyung. I ship you two." He grins at you before tugging your hand and leading you back into the living room, your head swimming with the sudden change in his attitude, not to mention his choice of men for you.

You sit down on the couch, deep in thought and quiet, not noticing the looks people are throwing you and Tae, who, of course, acted like his usual aloof flirty self the moment you were back in the room with the others. You look up, spotting the clock on the wall. When did it get so late? You look over at Jessa, still asleep, and feel bad for needing to wake her. Namjoon leans towards you, "Stay. Jessa is already asleep and can bunk with Jin, of course. Kook has a room to himself, you can sleep in there, and he can stay with one of us. It's late, and you both planned on coming back tomorrow anyway." You nod thoughtfully, glancing down at your clothes before looking back up at him. "You can borrow something from one of us."

"Yeah, Noona, you can borrow some clothes of mine to sleep in," Tae smirks up at you, giving you a knowing wink. 

Ugh, this boy, I swear. 

"That won't be necessary, Taehyung. She can borrow something of mine." You finally hear Hobi's quiet voice speak up. 

You look away with your eyes closed. Reopening them, you see Jimin staring at you thoughtfully, mouth opening to say something before closing again. He gets up and walks out of the room, returning a few minutes later with a set of light blue pajamas with little clouds all over them, the material so soft and silky. He hands them to you with a small smile, and you grin back up at him. You murmur a soft thank you before asking him to show you to Kook's room so you can get ready for bed, suddenly wanting to get away from all the masculinity flying around the room.

You pull your hair up in a bun, hoping Kook won't mind that you're using some of his stuff to wash your makeup off. Lifting the pajama's you leave the pants on the bed, you never wear them to bed, and the top comes down to mid-thigh; it's so big on you. Your head pops up when you hear a soft knock on the door, no clue who could be on the other side.

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