The morning after

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You shove against his chest, pushing him away from you while swiping your hand across your lips. "Get out."

He brings his hand up, starting to reach out to you before lowering it again, looking at you sadly, "Angie, I-I... I didn't.."

"Go, Hoseok. Please." He looks at you one last time before leaving, quietly shutting the door behind him. You stumble to the bed, collapsing into it and covering up, closing your eyes, trying to block everything out and sleep. You'll deal with it tomorrow.


Tap Tap

Your hand swipes out, pushing whatever is bugging you away.

Tap tap tap

"Ugh, stop it."

Tap tap. This time followed by a muffled giggle. One eye peeks open, and you see beautiful brown eyes scrunched up in laughter directly in front of your own. Jerking your head back a bit and opening the other eye, you see a giggling Jimin laying next to you; one small little finger raised to tap your nose again. You snuggle your head back down in your pillow, smiling at Jimin and wishing him a good morning.

"Sorry to wake you, Angie, but Jin wanted me to let you know breakfast is ready. You just looked so cute laying there. I didn't want to be all loud and wake you up like I normally would, Kookie."

You stretch your entire body out and blink your eyes a few times, trying to finish waking up all the way. "Thank you, Jiminie. I appreciate not being doused with water or whatever it takes to wake him up. I've heard he's a super solid sleeper. Must be nice."

Jimin stands up, grabbing your hand and tugging on it. "Come on. Jin won't let us eat until we're all there."

"Lol, ok, ok. I'm right behind you, I promise. Save me a seat!" You wait until he leaves before throwing back the covers to put on the pajama pants he gave you. No need to make this visit even more awkward than it already is. You open the door with one hand, running your fingers through your hair to make sure it doesn't look like its normal squirrel's nest on top of your head.  Like normal, you aren't paying attention and run right into a shirtless Namjoon. "Shit, sorry, I didn't see you there. And I'm really not sure HOW I missed all that." You motion towards his bare chest.

His face turns the cutest shade of pink, and he quickly covers it in embarrassment. "Aish! I forgot you girls were here! I-I'm just gonna.. go put a shirt on!" He turns away, and you swear it's all you can do to hold in your laugh. You've never seen a man move that quick in your life. 

You're still chuckling when you make it to the kitchen and see everyone else gathered there. Thankfully Jimin saved you a seat between him and Kookie, so you didn't have to worry about an unpleasant breakfast conversation with Hobi. 

"Morning Kook, thanks Jimin." 

"The jammies look adorable on you. You can keep them!" Jimin has the most adorable grin on his face. However, Kook is just giving you an odd look. 

You look back at him, mentally going through different things that could be going on. Maybe he's just zoning out like normal; maybe there's something on your face. "What, Kookie?"

He leans close, whispering, so the rest of the table doesn't overhear. "Um.. the top button is undone, you're getting close to um.. showing.." He motions to your top and stutters his way through his sentence.

Ahh shit. You quickly do up the top button, sending him a look of thanks and glancing around, hoping no one else noticed. Of course, your luck wouldn't be going your way. As you look around, you see Hobi staring daggers at you. What the hell!  You tried hard to joke around with the rest of the group and enjoy your breakfast, not let Hobi create so much tension that you couldn't have fun with your friends. Since Jin had made breakfast, you offered to clean up, Tae and Jimin offering as well. Namjoon had offered but was quickly shot down so he wouldn't break something or hurt himself.

You three were talking and joking amongst yourselves when Jessa bursts into the room, quickly stopping in her tracks when she sees Tae up to his elbows in soapy water and bubbles. "Oooh, that's some husband material right there." She says to you with a wink and grin.

Tae turns around and winks at her, "I'm working on it."

You close your eyes and shake your head. "What did you need, Jessa?"

"I was just hoping to borrow you for a second." She looks at you, folding her hands with a plea.

You turn around and look at Tae and Jimin, "Do you guys need my help?"

"Nah, go ahead. It looks pretty important for her to be begging." Jimin's eyes crinkle up as he smiles and nudges you out of the kitchen.

Jessa grabs your hand and drags you down the hallway into Jin's room, pushing you on the bed and practically bouncing in front of you. "Ok.. this looks like it's going to be good."

"Omg omg omg Angie, you won't believe it!"

"What won't I - "

"He wants me to move here. He says I can stay here with them until I find a place IF I decide I want to find a place. Evidently, he's already spoken to the guys just in case we got on really well. He figured we would work with how our conversations went, but he wanted to make sure first." 

You watch her dance and twirl around the room, feeling ecstatic for her. She deserves this and more. "So I'm assuming you're giving your two weeks notice, and we're packing up your apartment?"


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