Uh Oh

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WWH: Did you watch the MAMA's princess?

Princess: I did. I was at work, so I was awake to watch you guys. That performance was.. oh my god, it was so good!

WWH: Did you see I blew you a kiss?

Princess: Oh, that was for me, huh?  Well, thank you

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Princess: Oh, that was for me, huh?  Well, thank you. But what have I said about calling me, princess? I'm not the princess type. Princesses are loved because of their looks and what they represent, not for who they really are. I want someone to love me for me, all my messy flaws and brokenness. Not to mention most "princesses" are damsels needing someone to fix everything for them, and I've been taking care of myself for years. 

Don't get me wrong, I love that you want to give me a nickname, but can we please come up with something else? Please.

WWH:  Just because a girl is referred to as Princess doesn't mean she's weak or just something pretty to look at. It means she's special. That there's something about her, that's different from every other girl around. That you deserve to be treated like the amazing woman that you are, that's why I call you princess. But yes, if you want, we can come up with something else. 

I like that you can take care of yourself. That you don't NEED me around to protect you or fix things all the time. That doesn't mean I don't want to, though. 

Princess: Well, crap. When you put it like that, I can hardly be upset with you. Princess, it is. 

Haha, so I found this, and I thought about rewording it to make it the background of my phone. 

WWH: Lol, that's classic

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WWH: Lol, that's classic. But I think the wording on there is perfect as it is :)

Princess: Lol yeah, no. 

WWH: And why not?

Princess: Handsome, we've only met at fan meets, not somewhere where we can really get to know each other. I'm not going to call you my husband. I'm not a sasaeng, ya know.

WWH: Oh, trust me, Princess, I know. I would never have told you who I was if you were. Name the place and time, though; we can totally meet up!

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