Uh oh

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You look down at yourself to make sure you're completely covered before slowly opening the door a bit to see who's out there. Hobi stands on the other side, leaning against the door frame holding something in his hand. 

"Hey, I remember you saying you don't sleep very well if you don't have a plushy, so I brought you a Mang." He holds it out to you.

Your eyes go wide, not only at his thoughtfulness but at the fact that he remembered. You take it gently, clutching the plush softness to you like a lifeline. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Is everything ok with Kook's room? He can be pretty messy." His eyes try to stay on yours, but they keep glancing down at your bare legs, his cheeks turning rosy.

"Haha yeah. I think Jimin might have straightened up in here when he went to get clothes. It's not so bad."

"Ok, well, I'm going to get going and let you get some sleep. Cute toes, by the way." He gives you a little grin before turning around and walking to his room. You watch him as he leaves, noting which door is his. He turns his head to look at you, giving you a little wink before going into his room. You shut the bedroom door, leaning against it for a minute. You can feel the flush on your face from that wink. Damn him. Walking over to the bed, you start turning the blankets down when you hear another knock on the door. Well, I sure am popular tonight. You open the door and are shocked to see Tae standing there.

"Uhh, hi?"

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was hoping I could talk to you about something."

"Um yeah, no problem. Come on in." You shut the door behind him, crawling into the bed, so you are at least fully covered. He sits at the end of the bed and looks at you, nibbling his lip in a nervous gesture you hadn't seen from him before. "What's going on, Tae?"

He sits there for a few minutes before heaving a giant sigh, "There's this girl." His eyes fly up to yours, and his face breaks out in a grin, telling you how amazing and beautiful she is. She is so easy to talk to doesn't make him feel weird when he starts acting goofy. He loves how her eyes sparkle when she smiles, how her nose scrunches up when she doesn't like something. You can't help but melt, hearing him talk about her like this. 

"Ok, so what's the problem then?" You are genuinely curious. He seems to like her so much, and from the way, he talks she likes him too.

"She works for the company. One of the stylists. She has such big dreams, and I don't want to get in the way of those. And we both know what dating an Idol does to your life." He looks down dejectedly, scraping his feet along the edge of the rug.

"Ahh, yeah. Um, have you tried talking to her about this, though? Maybe she's willing to risk it..." You throw the idea out there, hoping he's willing to try at least and find out, to try and grasp a chance at being happy.

"No. I'm terrified at what she would say. I like her so much, but I don't want to ruin things."

You grab his hand, making him look up at you. "Tae, you should try. You never know what the answer will be."

The bedroom door suddenly flies open, and you both look up to see a fuming Hobi standing there. "What are you doing in here, Tae. You can't help yourself, can you? Coming in here, hitting on Angie when you know she's off-limits." His voice is raised, and you can't help but sit there in shock, not even sure what is going on at the moment. "You need to get out of here, NOW!"

Tae scrambles from the room, leaving you there with a pissed-off Hobi glaring at you like you are the worst person on earth. "What the hell Angie, he's 12 years younger than you! What are you even thinking? How could you do this?"

You stand up, stalking right in front of him, and poke his chest, making him back up against the wall. "First of all, he's legal. So if we wanted to date, his age isn't a factor. Secondly, who the HELL do you think you are walking in here and yelling at Tae like he's a child. Just because you don't want to be with me doesn't mean someone else won't come along and take that chance. You have no say in who it is, whether it's Tae, Joonie, or even Jungkook! It is none of your damn business what I do in my life Hoseok."

He watches you intently, seeing the fire spark in your eyes and your cheeks flush in anger. He mutters, "Jesus, you're beautiful when you're pissed," right before he reaches for you, wrapping you up in his arms and planting his lips against yours.

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