A day with the boys

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You two get to the dorms, and security escorts you in, letting you know they'll be outside if you need anything. You both slip your shoes at the door, placing them beside the numerous other pairs lined up neatly. You make your way down the short hallway into the open living room, admiring the comfy feel to the room, pointing out various decor and pictures that you both like. You wander into the kitchen for something to drink, asking Angie if she wants anything. After glancing inside, you let her know there is water, milk, juice, and some Sprite in there. Grinning to yourself, you grab two Sprites, knowing they are Hobis will make them taste even better.

Bringing one back to Angie, you curl up in a giant round chair, reaching to the coffee table to grab a remote and flipping the tv on. "Oh my gosh, I'm in love with this chair. It's huge and sooo comfy. The only thing I need is a throw blanket, and I could sleep here no problem." Angie grins at you and tosses you the fuzzy silver blanket laying over the arm of the couch where one of the guys must have left it earlier. "Oh yeah.. mm, this is perfect." You tuck your feet up into the chair, covering your toes with the blanket, and close your eyes. You toss Angie the remote, letting her pick what to watch since you plan on keeping your eyes closed during your conversation. 

"You know, now is the perfect opportunity to glance around their dorm, and you're sitting there with your eyes closed. Are you even human?"

A grin takes over your face, your eyes still shut. "This isn't the last time I'll be here, so I'm sure I'll see it all eventually."

"I wonder what their studios look like."

"Hehe. Studios in general, or someone's studio in particular?"

"In general. Like I wonder how they have their stuff set up."

"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you ask Oppa when they get here. Or Joonie, I'm sure either one of them will show you their studio." You snuggle further down into the chair. "Ugh, I seriously need this chair at home. I would never leave it." Your brows raise slightly when you hear noises at the door signaling the guys return, but your eyes stay closed until you feel warm lips press against your forehead. You let out a little hum of happiness, finally opening your eyes and smiling up at Jin as he leans his head over yours, draped over the back of the chair. "Hey, Handsome."

He smiles down at you while the rest of the boys pile into the living room; Namjoon and Yoongi sitting on either side of Angie, Jungkook lying down on the other sofa, his head on Hobi's lap while Tae and Jimin sit on the floor. You sit up in the chair, making room for Jin to sit in it with you, your legs draped over his lap and your head on his shoulder. You look around the room, enjoying the loud banter from the group and the comfort of being snuggled close with Jin, a small smile gracing your lips. "Hey Joon or Oppa, Angie and I were just talking, and she was curious how your studios were set up."

They both look from Angie to you then back to Angie before glancing at each other for a second. Finally, Namjoon stands up, taking Angie's hand and leading her from the room, evidently to show her what his studio looks like. You sit there with Jin, your smaller fingers playing with his long ones. "Jin. I'm sleepy. This chair is way too comfortable."

"Oh. Did you want to go back to the hotel then?" He didn't say it, but you could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"No! Simply making a statement. I want to spend as much time with you as I can." You pick up his hand, placing a little kiss on the back of it.

"Aww, my heart! That was so cute!"

"Hobi, shut it! Let them have a moment, geesh." You could hear Jimin throw a pillow at Hobi. Your eyes fly open at the loud thud and see Jungkook lying on the floor. 

"What the crap Hyung!" Jungkook sits up, rubbing his head and glaring at Hobi.

"Sorry, Kook. The pillow surprised me. I didn't mean to jump and push you off." You laugh and shake your head. These guys were hilarious. 

"Oh, Hobi Hobi. Thank you for the Sprites; they were delicious." You made sure to smirk at him, grabbing your Sprite off the table and taking a sip. His jaw dropped, and he looked at you, eyes wide.

"Not my Sprite."

"Oh yes, your Sprite. It was very refreshing." You could feel Jin's chest shaking with laughter and your antics. Angie and Namjoon walk back in, sitting back down and quietly talking together. She turns to Yoongi before peppering him with questions about his studio setup and what all he uses his equipment for. You loved how Yoongi was patiently answering his questions, not getting irritated even though you could clearly see how tired he was from today's busy schedule. These guys were just amazing, and you were so lucky that you met Jin and were introduced to the rest of them.


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