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Wait.. did you just.. omg, you just sent me a Jin joke!


I know. I'm awesome. You're welcome.


Dude seriously. None of my friends do that, and they literally have to deal with how much I love that man. 


Lol, again, you're welcome.

Lol, again, you're welcome

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OMG yes!!! Thank you for either appreciating his jokes like I do or sending these to me to cheer me up. You don't even realize how much I needed them today.


Cheering up?  What's bothering you, princess?


 Princess? That's a first. Definitely not a princess type, lol. Just stupid work drama. 


 Want to talk about it?


 Nah, I don't want to bore you.


Lol, bore me, please. Besides, I asked. I wouldn't have if I wasn't ok with you talking about it.


Ok, but remember that you brought this on yourself. So I work front desk at a hotel, right. And luckily for me, there's only one worker per shift. However, first shift hates doing their job evidently. Ok, so first shift is supposed to deal with the check-outs, keep breakfast going, then tear it down when it's over, clean that whole mess up, then move on to laundry and keep that going. 

Well, half the time, she decides she's going to "help" housekeeping and is up there with them in the rooms instead of being down doing laundry as she should be. So when I come in at 4, there are 4-5 hotel-size loads of laundry to do even though we might have only had 15 rooms. Meaning she did no laundry and left it all for me.

Which ok, at least it keeps me busy, right. But on second shift, I have the phone to answer, people to check in, my own cleaning to do, and because of her, I now have multiple loads of laundry that I shouldn't have.

Bet you wish you wouldn't have asked, huh.


The exact opposite, actually. It sounds like a really crappy situation. Have you tried going to your manager about this? It seems super unfair that she keeps doing this to you.


HAH! Yeah, I've tried talking to the manager. All he says is to discuss it between us. I mean crap, his family OWNS the hotel, plus he's the manager. He should; I don't know, manage maybe. So since it does no good to go to him about it, I get super passive-aggressive towards her. She knows it, too; she just doesn't care.


It sounds like you should find another job. He obviously isn't going to do anything to help, so why keep yourself in that same situation?


I actually had an interview the other day for a different job. Fingers crossed that I get it. It's more pay and full benefits, which would be really nice. :)


Fingers crossed for you, princess.


Omg, seriously, what did I say about calling me that. I'm hardly the princess type. I'm not into make-up or dresses. I'm a jeans and t-shirt sort of girl. And if I can't be barefoot, then it's flip-flops for me.


So. You don't have to be a girly girl for me to think you're a princess. Deal with it. Anyhoo. I have to go; the rest of the guys need me. I'll talk to you later?


Yeah. Oh, am I ever going to get a name so I can put you in my phone?


This is my face when you don't answer...

This is my face when you don't answer

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