Meeting the guys

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Guess who just checked in to the hotel!

Yah!! I can't wait! 
What room are you in?

Angie and I got connecting rooms.

I figured you would be sharing a room together.

Nah. Angie likes her privacy and sleeping with the tv on.
I can't wait until the fanmeet tomorrow! I get to see you!!

I know. It's going to be great to see you in person. 
Well, in person when I know who you are, lol.

Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to wear.

Jagi, I'm not worried about what you're wearing, only that you'll be there where I can see you.

(sigh) You're really good at this romantic stuff.
I should unpack my stuff. I hate living out of a suitcase when I'm going to be somewhere more than a night.


Hey guys, the girls are at the hotel.

I wonder if there is some way security could sneak us in to see them.

I was sort of wondering the same thing. It would be nice to see them.

I can always ask.
I know I want to see Jessa more than just at the fanmeet.
I'm trying to figure out how we can sneak them into the dorm without everyone else noticing.

Uh, gee, I don't know, maybe through underground parking.
Security can pick them up. It's not like our cars are marked, and we can just drive them right here.
And why is my name only missing the "i"? Are you seriously that lazy?

Yes, yes, I am.

That's a brilliant idea, Yoongi.

Of course, it is. Suga = genius. Remember.

I wonder. If we can sneak them in. Suppose security can sneak us to them. 
I'd love to show up and surprise her.

A little tougher, but ultimately I don't see why not.
Do you know what room she's in?

Yeah, she told me.
And for anyone who may be quiet and wondering. Angie is in the room right next to her.

Lol. That wasn't subtle at all.

I wasn't trying to be. :)


Jin managed to talk to management and security and was finally on his way to the hotel to see Jessa. He was so excited that he couldn't stop fidgeting in his seat. Man, he hoped she was excited to see him. He wanted nothing more than to be able to see her and hug her. Security sneaks him up to the hallway and making sure it was all clear. He makes his way to her door, taking a deep breath before knocking. He stands there waiting before knocking again, suddenly worried that she and Angie might have gone out for food and she might not be in the room. The door swings open, and Jessa stands there breathing hard. Her eyes lighting up when she sees Jin standing there.

"Omo! You're here! What the shit Jin!" She launches herself at him and hugs him tight before pulling away her face bright pink. "Oh man, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, get back over here." He pulls her close to him and hugs her tight, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, finally. "I wanted to surprise you, but it took so long for you to answer. I was worried you might not be here." He kisses her forehead as he pulls away so they can go into her room, so they aren't lurking in the hallway.

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