Fan Meet

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Jessa reached over, her hand fumbling along the nightstand, searching for the phone that was chirping incessantly. Finally, finding it, she brings it up to her face, going blind at the bright light.

Morning beautiful. We had to wake up early for a few interviews, but I can't wait to see you today.

Management will have a car ready to take you and Angie back to the dorm when you leave the fanmeet. Security knows to let you in. Make yourselves comfy; we won't be too long behind you.

Ok. I can't wait to see you again. It will be nice meeting Oppa and Hobi, and maybe we could get some time just us. Not that I don't love the guys, but it was hard to really talk with them here yesterday.

I know, love. We'll sneak away to someone's studio if we have to :)

I'll have to talk to Angie about that. Not sure how she would feel about leaving her alone with all the guys. Oppa, Namjoon and Kookie I trust. Jimin too, I don't think he's attracted to Angie, or if he is, he hides it well. 
A little concerned about Tae, though. He's seriously flirty with her. And I'm not sure how it makes her feel.

Tae would never do anything to hurt her. 
If she's seriously uncomfortable, she just needs to tell him to back off, and he will. 
But just in case, I'll talk to him today before we all meet up at the dorm.
Gotta go, babe, management is here.

Ok, see you in a few hours.


Ayo slutmuffin wake up

5 more minutes, mom, lol.
I'm awake, doors unlocked.

Jessa grins to herself as she walks into Angie's room. Seeing her lying with RJ wrapped up in her arms and her phone in her hand, she quickly takes a picture and sends it to Jin. "I don't understand what Hobi's issue is; she's frigging adorable."

"So Jin says some of his security team are going to drive us to the dorm before the guys leave the fan meet. Said to make ourselves comfy. YAY! Time with my World Wide Handsome" She wiggles her butt and dances around the room. "What do you plan on wearing today? You get to meet Oppa finally!"

"Clothes Jessa, I'm wearing clothes."

"I'm sure the younger Army will appreciate that, but it will make Tae sad," Jessa teases her, trying to get Angie to laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. If the guys knew what you were like, they probably wouldn't think you were so cool."

"The guys KNOW what I'm like. That's why they think I'm so cool. But seriously, get your ass up. I wanna get good seats."

"And what constitutes good seats at a fan meet?"

"Well, we aren't making a beeline for the front this time. I'd rather sit in the back and watch them more, maybe make faces at them when they look at us because they WILL be looking at us. Especially since they know us now and know we are there." Angie hums lightly, thinking Jessa actually makes a decent point.

"Ok, well go. We can get ready faster if you go to your own room and get started." Angie lightly shoves Jessa into her own room.


You sit in the back of the room, watching Angie nervously mess with the hem of her shirt. Placing your hand over hers, you give her a look. "Chill, you've already met most of them."

"Yeah, but I'm going to be face to face with Hobi. How do I pretend like yesterday's conversation never happened?"

"Well, for starters, don't bring it up. It isn't the time or place. Just make casual small talk. Tell him which song of his you like best from Hope World or which choreography you like best. Before you know it, it will be time to move on to the next guy."

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