Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 12

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After a good hour of searching Nathan and I put our laptops away and looked at each other.

Nathan- So what names have you got?

Becca- Charlie, Darcy, Evie, Eva, Ella, Freya...

Nathan- I have Freya!

Becca- So Freya it is.... What about you?

Nathan- Cleo, Daisy, Emily, Erin, Holly, Isabella, Jasmine...

Becca- Snap!

Nathan- Freya Jasmine Sykes....

Becca- I actually love it...

Nathan- Same.

I watched as Nathan leaned against the head rest on his bed, I went over to him placing my head on his chest. I soon felt his hand on my side pulling me closer.

Nathan- Our lives are changing so fast...

Becca- I know but if we don't then we'll be stuck here forever, cramped into a small room. This change is for the best.

Nathan- I know but we're going to move out, we've just got engaged and in a few month we're going to have a baby.

Becca- Are you having second thoughts?

Nathan- What? No of course I'm not.

Nathan sat up slightly and looked down at me.

Nathan- I'd never have second thoughts about moving in with you, or getting engaged to you or even this baby. I love you with all my heart...

Becca- Then what did you mean?

Nathan- I didn't meant it in a bad way.

I nodded, Nathan leaned down and kissed me.

Nathan- You have nothing to worry about okay. We're going to be fine. All three of us.

Becca- Promise?

Nathan- If I break my promise you can leave me.

Becca- But I'd never do that, you know that... At least I hope you do...

Nathan- Of course I do.

Becca- Good....

Moving Day

Life has been so hectic over the past few weeks. We had got lots more baby stuff, and even started to sort the nursery and today was our official moving day. I was at my parents while Nathan was at his, we'd spent the night apart so we could have some one to one time with our families before we moved out. I was putting the final bits into the boxes when my mum walked into the room.

Sharon- I can't believe my little girl is moving out.

Becca- I'm not going to be too far away. I'll be able to visit all the time and you can always come over to see us.

Sharon- I know... I've got something for you.

I watched as my mum went into her room and came back with a neatly wrapped box. I looked at my mum.

Sharon- I know you said not to get you anything but I say this and had to get it. Open it when you're settled in. It's for you and Nathan.

I hugged my mum and thanked her.

Once I had finished packing I took a moment to sit down and enjoy the last few hours with my family before I moved out.


It was almost time to leave. I had put the last of my stuff in the van and I was about to go over to Becca's. I took one last look around my room, the furniture was still there as we were using Becca's I'd always said her bed was comfier and her furniture always looked nicer. The memories of everything that had happened in this room came rushing back. The moment me and Becca made up, the moment I asked Becca out. Many of the memories did include Becca but one of the best memories I had in here was the moment I told someone how I actually felt about her.

Tom and I were sat in my room, he could tell something was bugging me.

Tom- What's wrong?

Nathan- Huh?

Tom- You're quiet. What's wrong?

Nathan- Nothing....

Tom-Tell me...

Nathan- How would you tell a girl you liked them.....?

Tom- Who you talking about?

Nathan- A friend is asking....

Tom- Nathan.....

Nathan- Just tell me!

Tom- It depends. Which girl are you talking about anyway?

Nathan- A girl at school....

Tom- Narrow it down....

Nathan- She's beautiful.... Breathtaking...

Tom- Gives me a clue...

Nathan- It's erm.... It's Becca....

Tom- As in Rebecca Robson?

I nodded.

You see Becca was the girl every guy wanted. She was beautiful, but couldn't see it. Days later I had invited Becca over, where I asked her out. She didn't even answer me really. She blushed and kissed me. I guessed that meant yes and then from then we made it official.

I smiled, at the memories before leaving and heading to Becca's. The start of the rest of our lives.

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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